Chapter 28

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The night of the formal had arrived and I was nervous at the thought of seeing Annalies tonight. Walking into the huge ballroom of the mansion I looked at the job done by Tylil and Gaysha. The ballroom was of traditional décor with cream walls that had ornate gold designs on them. Large floor to ceiling windows faced west looking out over the valley illuminated by the city below. The table cloths were of cream satin with satin navy runners on them. The center pieces were of Crystal vases filled with either white or blue hydrangeas and alternated color every other table. There was cream and gold fine china with solid gold utensils and crystal wine glasses at the seat of every table. Large strips of navy satin ran from the huge chandelier of the ballroom to the walls before cascading gracefully to the floor between the ivory columns. The stage for the king and queen held two gold thrones with navy velvet cushions in them. The table of the king and queen was made of solid ivory and trimmed in gold and had a navy satin runner with matching chairs. The dinnerware was of the finest ivory and gold china that one could buy. The champagne glasses were made of diamond and the utensils were of solid gold. The centerpiece was an elaborate arrangement of blue and white hydrangeas and was ringed with scatters of diamonds on the table. I smiled at the work the girls had put in to manage such a set up. I looked over to see Gaysha going over the night's events with the wait staff as the guests would be served at their tables. Looking to my left I saw Tylil speaking with the dean of the university about the formal's itinerary. Damn, when these girls did something they did it right.

"Mr. Ettore!" dean Paulaski called as he caught site of me. "I can't thank you enough for allowing us to have our October formal here." He said shaking my hand.

"Think nothing of it" I replied. "Although I do have one request that I must make." I said. "Name it" he said. "I must ask that you not reveal that I am the host of the formal. I like my privacy you understand." I told him.

"Oh sure! Sure! That will be no problem at all. My lips are sealed." He said.

"Very good. Now if you will excuse me I must go and dress for the ball." I said quickly.

"Yes! Yes! Of course my boy as must I. I shall see you shortly sir."

Walking into the bedroom which had been completely redone I sat down in the recliner. Certus knew I never question any of the remodeling but he knew about the fireplace and always made sure that it remained the same. Getting up from the chair, I opened the drawer of the fireplace and removed the amulet of Akmun-Rah. For some strange reason I felt like there was more at stake than just gaining Annalise's heart tonight although I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was.

Walking into the bathroom I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the shower while my mind ran with thoughts of failure with Annalise. Having dried I wrapped the towel around my waist as I walked into the large closet. Heading to the wall of tuxedos I reached for my black tux and blue vest but hesitated.

It was my family's color yet I felt a strange pull toward a rich dark teal vest and tie. Thinking better of it I reached for the blue vest and tie put felt the pull to the teal vest and tie grow stronger. Don't fight it old boy. I told myself sighing as I grabbed my ensemble and began to dress. I finished off my attire with just a light spray of cologne, didn't want to overwhelm anyone tonight.

There came a low whistle as I turned to find Certus standing in the doorway of the closet. "You clean up mighty nice." He said approvingly.

Certus wore the standard blue and black tux for formal events and adjusted his tie constantly growing more and more irritated with it. Walking over I adjusted his tie to a more comfortable position for him.

We stood in silence for a few moments and then turning to look at me with sincerity he said "Go get her champ." Tying on the back masque adorned in black feathers and onyx stones that covered my eyes and nose I quietly left the room and headed down to the ballroom.

The ball had started nearly an hour ago and I had not seen Andretta or Annalise as I sat up on the stage on the throne scanning the crowd. Several girls had come seeking a dance with me but I politely turned them away. I was starting to lose hope that she would come and the feeling of dread built upon itself. It was almost time for the crowning ceremony and I had no idea who or if I would choose anyone if Annalise didn't show up.

The music was interrupted momentarily by Dean Paulaski as he announced "The crowning of the king and queen will begin in thirty minutes ladies and gentlemen." He said before descending the steps.

Taking one last look around I saw Andretta enter the ballroom wearing a deep purple ball gown. It had a sweetheart neckline that flared out at the waist falling in gathers. Her hair was pinned up and she wore a silver necklace with an amethyst stone at its center and matching earrings. She looked at me briefly before making her way slowly to an empty table and my heart dropped. Annalise was not coming.

"She'll come Alesandro." Came Andretta's voice.

I wanted to believe her but she still had not arrived. I looked longingly at the door and my heart quickened every time the door opened. Falling into despair I refused to look in the direction of the doors as another ten minutes slipped by. I was lost in thought as I watched the people dancing and then Andretta's voice once again came to me.

"Look at her Alesandro." She said softly.

Looking to the doors I saw Annalise and my heart stopped. She wore a dress of the same rich dark teal as the vest of my tuxedo. The sheath dress had a sweetheart neckline and the dress hugged her curves in a loving embrace. The fabric came to a gather at a split high on her left thigh exposing a long beautiful caramel leg and the matching heels. The gather was held in place by a gold peacock adorned with diamonds along its tail.

Her hair was curly and pinned up loosely and she wore a simple gold necklace with a diamond at its center and matching diamond earrings. Her mask was black adorned with gold accents and peacock feathers. To say she was absolutely stunning would be an understatement.

She looked around slowly and as we made eye contact and I knew in that moment I could not continue without her. I saw her breath hitch as our eyes met and knew she had felt it too. She turned and walked over to the table to join Andretta and I watched as the split of the dress fell to the side revealing a caramel thigh as she sat down crossing her legs.

I couldn't take my eyes off her as she and Andretta chatted quietly among themselves. Though I could hear their voices as clearly as if they were sitting next to me.

"That would explain why your dress kept changing color." Andretta whispered to Annalise as she nodded my way. "The attraction between you two must be stronger than each of you realized."

"Hmmm" was the only answer Annalise gave but Andretta's comment about the strength of our attraction had given me a faint glimmer of hope but would that glimmer be enough? I was overjoyed at having her here, in having the opportunity to tell her how I felt but I also dreaded the possibility that she might reject me.

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