Chapter 14- Ignition Point

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Ettore's POV

I'm sitting in the VIP section of Aftermath talking to a human acquaintance, Carlos, about Annalise. Carlos is a lieutenant with the Roanoke police department and helps me clean up any mess supernaturals make and is an invaluable source of information.

"What do you know about her Carlos?" I ask taking a sip of my wine as I watch the crowd dancing below.

"See for yourself." He answers producing a manila envelope and sliding across the table to me.

I open the envelope and smile. Carlos never failed me. When I asked for something he did so with precision. The envelope contains everything on Annalise since her date of birth, medical records, school records, driving history, pictures over the years, everything.

I sit shifting through the papers. Date of birth June 10, 1985, no known medical issues, A-student in school, participated in track and ROTC, no run ins with the law. What I find interesting is that there's no known place of birth for her parents Thomas and Patricia Addison. No childhood history, nothing relating to their early lives.

"Hey" Comes Carlos' voice. "Isn't that ya girl?" He says nodding toward the door.

I look up to see Annalise, a brunette, and a Hispanic guy walk in the door. I could tell that the male with her wasn't the boy she was dating. They talked excitedly amongst each other as they head toward the bar. The boy orders a few rounds of Irish Car bombs and they down them after clinking the glasses together each time, followed by several Blue Motherfuckers and Weekend at Charter shots. I watch them make their way to the dance floor dancing to "Wiggle" by Jason Derulo. I watch the two of them sandwich Jose or "Josefina" as they call him while they dance. The brunette and the Hispanic are very protective of Annalise and never stray far from her. That was interesting and I notice the boy glance in my direction several times as she dances with him.

I continue watching the trio dance through several songs watching her hips sway back and forth to the music. "Bring it Back" by Travis Porter comes on and I watch a male approach Annalise grinding on her from behind while she dances with the Jose and I desperately wanted to rip his throat out. No one should be touching her in that manner.

She turns and shoves the boy away warning him to stay away. "Don't pull that shit again!" She warne him before turning to dance again. "Anaconda" by Nicki Minaj begins to play and the pervert takes the chance to grind on her once more as she turns and pushed him away again.

"Fuck off!" She spits.

I sit up on the chair ready to rid her of the piece of shit that was harassing her."Down boy" Carlos said pushing me back into the chair."Let's just see how this plays out."

Wrapping his arm around her waist he pulls her to him before saying in her ear. "I don't think you understand sunshine. I always get what I want."

She turns with a quickness and connects with his left jaw with a hit hard enough to crack bone. He falls back against the guy dancing behind him and then to the floor knocked out cold. People move from around the boy on the floor trying to figure out what happened as they marvel at the petite girl who had managed to KO the guy.

Annalise stands over him with her arms crossed. "I don't think you understand. When I say fuck off I mean fuck off!"

"Daaammmnnn!!! Comes the DJ's voice as he stops the music. "You just got knocked the fuck out!" came the crowd in response as they lean in toward the guy on the floor. Carlos sits laughing beside me at the whole incident.

"What's so funny?" I ask curious as to what was going on.

"Let me guess, you have no idea what movie that came from?"

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