Chapter 19- Nightmares Replayed

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The sight of Trixie's head or whatever in the hell her name was falling from her body gave me a small amount of satisfaction as payment for her unannounced entrance in Annalise's house. Decapitation was one of my preferred execution methods, it was one of the best ways to ensure death. I knew that Callindora had put her up to it and though she was only a pawn in Callindora's game she had sealed her fate for the pain she had caused Annalise.

Walking through the house I make my way to my office flinging the doors open with a wave of my hand. The force of the doors slamming open shakes the walls and knocks mirrors and pictures to the floor. The power radiating from me is enough to rattle vases and frames on the tables as I walk past my blue eyes blazing with fury.

"Callindora!" I bellow, my voice shaking the walls as I sense the rest of my family in the house cowering at the sound of my voice.

Flinging open the doors of my office I find Callindora sitting behind my desk with her legs propped up. I see a fleeting glimpse of fear cross her face as the power of my presence fills the room. Before she can get the words out of her mouth I'm in front of her. Grabbing her by the hair, I smash her head down through the glass of my desk.

"I could fucking kill you right now!" I yell as I slam her head back down into the stainless steel frame of my desk again and again. I watch with satisfaction the blood drip slowly down the frame of the desk.

"What in the hell is wrong with you?" she snaps icily as she stands smoothing the wrinkles of her blouse and skirt, the wounds already healed.

"I was in the middle of something before that damn stunt of yours!" I snarl.

"Honestly Alesandra, the putrid smell of an inferior is all over you. I'm sure she wasn't that important" She says sitting back in my chair and crossing her legs.

"This better have something to do with the Ultonis" I hiss as she shifts slightly under my gaze.

"Why yes actually. It does" She replies rising to place a hand on my chest.

"What is it?" I question grabbing her by her throat as my claws began to slice in to her neck.

"It would seem that intelligence has discovered Ultonis members frequenting the abode of Council member Pavor." 

"What else do you know?" I growl. "I think I need some persuasion for that information." She says running her claws down my chest.

"Don't fuck with me Callindora!" I snarl sending her across the room."The safety of the council and the balance of worlds hangs in the balance and all you can worry about is trying to seduce me? Are you that fucking stupid?" I bellow.

I watch her face darken as she strides for the door before turning to me. "Do you realize how much power we could have if we were together Alesandro?"

Vanishing and appearing in front of her I grab her by the throat and inhale slowly. A purple mist slowly curls out of her mouth as I inhale. I couldn't kill her but I could make her suffer as I drain her essence to near depletion. She would need days and many feedings before she could recover from it. Letting her go she falls to the ground her essence flowing through me, energizing me. With that I grab her by the hair and drag her down the hall depositing her in the foyer.

"Certus!" I bellow.

"Yes sir?" Certus answers appearing beside me.

"You and Basil take this piece of shit home." I snarl pointing at Callindora.

"Did you drain her?" 


"She must be a damn masochist to piss you off that bad." 

"Just get her out of my sight." I snap turning to head up the stairs.

Walking into the bedroom I sit down in the black leather recliner with my head in my hands. I play over the night's events, my encounter with Annalise, and the shit with Callindora. I raise my head listening to the sound of someone in the room. I hear them emerge from the shadows of my room and the sound of a sword being drawn quietly from its sheath. Standing behind me they raise the sword to strike. In the blink of an eye, I rise and spun to face my attacker, as my claws extend and my arm moves in one smooth horizontal motion. I watch as the head of a troll falls from his body to the floor, his body following as green blood seeps into the carpet in the moonlight.

Trolls belonged to Callousus but in turning the body of the would be assassin over I stare the mark of Pavor tattooed on his neck. However, despite the evidence that lay before me something just didn't add up. With a wave of my hand the light from the chandelier illuminates the room. I make my way over to the corner from which the assassin had emerged looking for signs of entry, no one had ever been able to make it past security. Inspecting the converging gray walls carefully I note scorch marks that are barely visible to the untrained eye. The scorch marks were the result of a powerful spell that had been used to infiltrate the wards that I had placed over the house, a clear sign of witchcraft by a powerful witch or warlock, and I make a mental note to have Valoria strengthen the wards and add additional wards if need be.

Valoria was an elder witch that had been considered for the council at one point. However, Valoria was known for her uncontrollable temper and her vigilante ways. Needless to say she was quickly dismissed as a council prospect. Despite the fact that this was something that could only be accomplished by an elder and the growing preponderance of the evidence, I still found myself not believing this to be Pavor's doing. I decide that I wouldn't report the attack to the council as it would only cause further distress.

Sinking into the chair once more I play the night's events through my mind. Thoughts of the coffee shop, of Annalise and the kiss we shared, how it had been broken by Callindora, my encounter with her in the office, and the would be assassin fill my mind. Thoughts of my hurting Annalise was enough to reignite my rage and I jump from chair sending a fire laced power ball into the table across the room. Picking up the chair I had been sitting in I hurl it through the window feeling the cool night air stream in. I growl releasing my fury upon my bedroom destroying it in the process before trying to calm myself as I look around the bedroom that now lay in charred ruins.

All of the furniture has been destroyed even the fireplace. The amulet of Akmun-Rah lies on the floor reflecting the light of the chandelier overhead and my heart once again aches for Tiet yet simultaneously aches for Annalise. I can't understand why I fell this way about her. I barely know her yet the pain I'd seen on her face had been like a knife through my heart. 

Grabbing the amulet I storm out of the bedroom desperately needing to get out of here."Donta! Clean up on aisle one!"  I link. Donta had been the fourth human I had turned and like Certus had proven his loyalty to me countlessly.

"On it." He replies immediately.

Entering the garage and grabbing the keys to the Harley off the wall I mount her listening as she roars to life.

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