Chapter 37

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I had grown up in Hayk now known as Armenia but I had always felt a pull of someone or something else. I had lost my parents as a babe to a plague that have ravaged the land leaving me in the care of my abusive aunt Layinda. My earliest memories of her were of a sweet loving woman throughout my birth summers as a babe but that soon began to change.

Unable to keep a man due to her slobish ways Layinda became a drunk when I was twelve summers and there had been many a night where she had forced me to please her. It was the most disgusting thing that I had ever had to do yet I remained because I had nowhere else to go. I did my best to keep the small house orderly and avoid Layinda at all costs but that proved difficult in the three room house.

One night when Layinda had had more than her fill of spirits she stormed into small bedroom just off the kitchen and demanded that I have sex with her. Looking at her bloodshot eyes, disheveled hair and clothing, wine running down her chin I had refused her. Fury raging in her eyes she had picked up a piece of firewood that I had neatly stacked by the door and beat me until the blood ran.

My spirit was broken, my body was physically weak and I cried out for help to anyone that would save me. It was not just a cry from my mouth but a cry from the depths of my very soul. After I had taken my beating, I lay on the straw pile that served as my bed on the earthen floor of the small house and cried in utter despair. Many bones had been broken and my body was racked with pain with every breath that I took yet somehow I drifted off to sleep.

Fate looked at the little boy who lay in the small pile of straw losing what little will he had left to live. She clicked her tongue as she knew the little one had to survive, he had much to do in his lifetime. She knew that she had to remove him from the care of the woman if he were to survive. His little soul could take no more of her abuse, it had been broken.

She rarely interfered with the affairs of the Gods but she knew that one God, Typhon, in particular sought only death and destruction, something that she could not allow. The other Gods were aware of what was to come but they would be able to do little to stop him if the little one did not survive.

The little boy needed to be loved and protected. His spirit and soul needed to be repaired, the light of life restored to his eyes. But above all else he would need to be made immortal. Fate knew that the battle between good and evil would not happen for centuries. Centuries were only mere moments in time for her but was not something a human mortal's body could withstand.

As she pondered the little one's dilemma her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of her husband.

"What troubles you dear one?" the voice asked her.

To others her husband was considered the one true God, the creator of all living things. But in truth he didn't consider himself a God nor did he associate himself with any one religion. They had no shape and technically no names, though Fate had been a name that seemed to stick with her through the eons, they were simply the purest forms of life essence in existence.

To take on a permanent shape would be disrespectful to any one form they had chosen for their children. While he was the creator of all living things her purpose was to maintain the balance of things, life and death, good and evil, love and hate and so on.

As the Gods came into existence and their power increased they were summoned before them so that we could explain the order of things. The Gods had to know that just as themselves and others were created so could they be destroyed. Of course they knew that the lives of many beings would be filled with sorrow, death, destruction, hate and violence but it was necessary in order to maintain the balances.

They hated to see any of their children suffer but even with all of the various dimensions and universes there was only so much room. Plus there would always be those who craved power, they were never happy regardless of the powers they were given or they had taken. With many beings an increase in power meant an increase in corruption increasing death and destruction.

The natural order that she had created normally kept the balance. However, there were times when Fate had to personally intervene in order to maintain the balance of the worlds. She sighed as she turned to answer my husband "Typhon of the Earth world has been consumed by his thirst for revenge, chaos, and destruction. Should I fail to intervene at this point..." she stopped.

"He will cause the destruction of the Earth, the death of Gods, and his darkness will spread throughout the worlds" he finished her words for her.

"Precisely" she replied.

The warmth of his love washed over her before he replied. "Your judgments have never been wrong throughout the passage of time dearest. Do what you must and I will assist you if you need me, you have only to speak the words" he said before he slowly dissipated into nothing.

She turned back to the image of the little boy. "You will live little one" she said as his cries made her heart ache with pity for him.

She found a loving immortal soul for the little boy and opened a channel for their souls to communicate. The image shimmered shifting to the immortal she had chosen for the boy.

Galloping through the Hayk countryside in the shadows of night, he brought his horse to a sudden stop as the first cries of the boy gripped his soul. His blue eyes glowed softly in sadness as he heard the depths of the child's despair. The child's soul tugged at his begging to be rescued.

The immortal felt every pain that the child felt and his heart ached to protect the little boy that called out to his soul. He couldn't let the child die something wanted the child to live more than the growing protection and love that his soul willed him to provide the child. As the child's cries slowly faded the immortal knew he was running out of time and turning his horse he raced toward the child's soul that beckoned to him like a distant star, there but always just out of reach.

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