Chapter 2- The Servant

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I sigh as I turn and walking across the bedroom to the bathroom. I strip down glancing in the mirror at the tattoo that had been inked across my heart. It was the sound eye of Horus an Egyptian hieroglyph for healing and protection known as the Udjat, which had also been my beloved's last name. It was my way of remembering her and my way of saying that I would never love another as I had loved her.

I had met Tiet on a political trip to Egypt to strengthen ties with other supernaturals. Ambrogio and I had arrived in Memphis and were enjoying the night's festivities when she entered the room. She was a servant but she had been the most beautiful creature I had ever lain eyes on. She wore a long plain white strapless servant's gown that somehow still fell gracefully down the petite curves of her creamy skin. Her hair was jet black and was cut in the short style that was common to Egyptian servants of the time with chocolate brown eyes. She slowly made her way around the room refilling the cups of all royalty and dignitaries before making her way to my table.

"Would you like more wine Sir Ettore?" She asks quietly as our eyes met. Her eyes are deep and kind and I want to get lost in them for the rest of my existence. I had to know her.

"What is your name?" I ask her taking her hand.

"I am but a servant sir. My name is of no importance" she replies dropping her eyes.

"I see that one of you people has found something that holds his interest" King Rameses exclaims clapping Ambrogio on the back. Ambrogio leans and whispers something to King Rameses before King Ramses spoke again.

"Alesandro if you wish to have her then she is yours to do what you wish! Enjoy my friend!" He  says raising his cup in a toast. The girl quickly withdraws her hand from mine, defiance in her eyes. I could tell that she knew what I was.

"I will be in your quarters waiting sire" She snaps through gritted teeth before turning and walking with an untold grace from the room. I sit through the remainder of the festivities but I couldn't get my mine off of her. She was so beautiful.

As I 'm heading to my quarters, I stop suddenly as I hear a faint rustling behind me.

"Yes, Ambrogio?" I question knowing who it was.

"I have never seen you take that kind of interest in a woman before. What is it about her Alesandro?" 

"I'm not sure Ambrogio. There is something about her, something that makes me want to love her and protect her." I reply hoping that Ambrogio could enlighten me.

He smiles slowly. "It appears my son that you may have found your love, your mate. Everyone including vampires has someone who is specifically for them. Many wait years and even centuries before they find them and others never find them before they cease to exist. If she is indeed your soul mate, love her with everything that you have. Being a vampire we are deprived of many of life's pleasures but love is something that should be cherished especially if she is human. If the love is to be true between you, then she must consent to being turned by you so that the two of you become bonded forever, if not she will live and die according to her human nature. If she chooses her human existence you must remember she may not make it back to you again during your existence."

Frankly, that revelation had scared the shit out of me. I wanted to love and protect her yet I couldn't bear the thought of living without her.

Ambrogio hugs me tightly before turning to retire to his quarters for the night. He stops looking back over his shoulder. "Love her well Alesandro." With that he disappeared into the night.

As I entered my quarters, I saw her standing patiently by the bed with that same defiant look on her face.

"I know what you are!" She exclaims eyeing me as I cross the room.

"I'm aware of that." I reply closing the space between us.

"So how is this going to go? You're going to bed me and the feed from me right until there is nothing left?" 

"Actually, no I was thinking that we could sit here and talk. No tricks of any kind." I say looking into her chocolate brown eyes and she looks nothing short of  confused at the words that had just left my mouth.

"Look" I sigh gliding over to my pack pulling out a wooden stake, you have my promise as a vampire, that I will not harm you in any way. If I break that promise then you have my consent to stake me through the heart with this" I finish handing her the stake. Once she had the stake in hand her body visibly relaxes but I could tell that she was still wary of me.

"Come sit with me on the bed please" I request politely motioning for her to sit next to me. She stands perplexed for several seconds before taking a place beside me on the bed. She could sense the power that radiated from me and shivered as she sat down beside me. 

"What is your name?" I ask again seeing as she never answered that question earlier tonight.

"My name is Tiet" She replies still keeping her eyes locked on me. 

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful woman" I say moving from the bed to the floor. "May I see your feet please?" I asked holding out my hand.

"Why?" she asks with suspicion in her voice.

"I merely wish to rub them is all" I responded rather calmly. Again she hesitated before giving me her feet. I began to massage her feet as she slowly began to relax. I knew she wouldn't give me a snowballs chance in hell at massaging her shoulders so I figured I would play it safe with the feet. 

"Mmmmm" she groans after a little time had passed. "That feels so good." She moans looking down at me.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I could also give you a back massage if you like?" I reply nonchalantly.

With that she was back on the defensive. "Oh, I see! You think you can massage my feet a little and them I'm supposed to just give in to you! Not going to happen sire."

I raise my hands in surrender. "Suit yourself then" I reply removing my toga and crawling into bed, "I'm going to bed." I call turning over on my side. "Oh and please remember that I kept my promise. So please don't stake me while I sleep or open the drapes during the day Tiet. I trust you would do no such thing." She was definitely a feisty one I think as I drift peacefully into a deep sleep.

By the time I pull myself from my memories, I have somehow gone through the monotony of my nightly routine of brushing my teeth and showering before bed. I found that I was now leaning on the frame of the bathroom door staring out into the bedroom. I look around the contemporary room that was decorated in black and accented in blue. Blue was the color of the family which I reigned, the Caesitas.

When I moved to the United States in 1902 my family came with me and dispersed throughout the land as they pleased. Many of the vampires who were here were masterless and many sought audience with me to seek acceptance into my family. Masters of families already in the States immediately ranked below me as I was an elder and were subject to my rules by law of the treaty.

My territory in Europe was passed to Mathios as he was the only council member without territory assigned for enforcement of the Treaty. There were originally sixteen members of the council with eleven of the sixteen being killed during the war with the Ultonis, including my father and creator Ambrogio.

Ambrogio had been ambushed and staked by Ferus as he had attempted to save his mate Kharis. So many lives were lost on both sides during the war with the Ultonis and my heart ached for everyone but especially for Ambrogio and Tiet. I lay back on the black satin sheets of the bed staring at the fire before finally drifting off to sleep.

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