Chapter 22- Housecalls

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Annalise's POV

It'd been two weeks since the night Ettore had taken me home and I couldn't bring myself to even acknowledge him in class. I couldn't understand why it had hurt me so bad to hear a female's voice when he had answered the phone or the fact that he had someone else. He was not mine. He had never been. Plus why would someone as gorgeous as him be interested in me? Sure, I wasn't bad looking but I was no supermodel either. On top of that I was with William. So why in the hell did my heart ache for Ettore? As we were leaving class that night I had hear him call my name across the parking lot but I act as if I hadn't heard him.

Standing in the shower I let the hot water run over me as I try to sort through my emotions that swirl like a cesspool in my heart. I finish my nightly routine and after checking the windows and doors I find myself snuggling under the comforter of my bed. Emotionally exhausted I sink into a deep sleep almost immediately. I guess at some point during the night I had kicked the comforter off of before flipping onto my back. No big deal except I'm jolted awake by someone grabbing both of my arms and pinning them above my head. My knee instinctively flies up to the crotch of my attacker as my eyes flew open to meet a pair of glowing emerald green eyes and red hair that frames a pale white face.

"No balls there bitch!" She spits with venom.

Managing to free one of my hands I connect with her jaw momentarily throwing her off balance. Seizing the opportunity, I reach for my Sai daggers that hang above the bed. Snatching one I bring it down and stabbing it into the neck of the woman holding me. To my surprise and horror she lets go floating off the bed to stand.

"Really? Did you think that was going to kill me?" She snaps with a laugh of irritation pulling the dagger from her neck.

Jumping from the bed I whirl to her with my own anger. "I don't know who or what the hell you are." I hiss. "But you need to get the fuck out of my house!" 

"Ohh, I'm so scared." She hisses back in a mocking tone before moving with quickness across the room to land a backhand across my face. I taste the blood in my mouth and return the favor with a backhand of my own. Picking me up by the neck she slams me down on the bed and grabs both my arms and pins them above my head again. She removes her hand from my neck reaching to toss the remaining two Sai daggers that hang above my head across the room before throwing a leg over mine and laying down beside me.

"So your Ettore's new little toy huh?" She questions looking at me curiously. "Your pathetic human smell was all over him by the time he came home. I guess you are quite cute by human standards though." She said dragging two finger nails down my neck and down across my right breast drawing blood. With quickness she sits up and strattling and me licks the blood shes drawn.

"Holy shit! You're a fucking vampire!" 

"Ding, ding, ding, ding! Two hundred to the genius on the bed." She spits running her hands down the curve of my breast and stomach. "Let's get one thing straight you little shit. Ettore is mine! He has been for centuries and he always will be. I'll let him have his fun with you for now but make no mistake I would not think twice about snapping that pretty little neck of yours. I hope we have an understanding." She said kissing me on the mouth before licking the last of the blood from my neck and breast.

"I thought vampires had to be invited in?" I ask twisting and writhing in efforts to free myself but Chyna has a fucking vice grip on me.

"And the genius loses the two hundred. Not the sharpest tool in the shed after all are we?" She shoots back. "If we had to wait on a damn invitation every time we needed to feed people would simply lock themselves inside at night and we'd starve to death." She explains as if talking to an imbecile while drifting slowly off the bed. "Remember princess, this is your only warning." She says with a smile before vanishing into the night.

Jumping out of bed I run through the apartment, fast enough to give Flo Jo a run for her money, checking the windows and doors before going to the bathroom to attend to my wounds. Looking in the mirror I wipe them with disinfectant sighing with relief that they weren't deep and would heal rather quickly. Making my way back to the bedroom I return two of Sai daggers to the wall above my bed and slide one under my pillow before settling into bed once again. My thoughts swim chaotically in my head as I once again drift off to sleep. Ettore is a vampire! I had kissed a vampire!

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