Chapter 25

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The two weeks before the ball were agonizingly slow and I had tried to throw myself into unraveling who was behind the Ultnois to avoid the hollowness in not seeing Annalise. Every time I thought we were getting close to a breakthrough the trail would grow cold. Certus, Basil, Donta and I had interrogated and disposed of more Ultonis members that we cared for.

I did however take great pleasure in my continued interrogations with Callixos. I was determined to break that little fucker. I was wearing him down yet I had to admire his resistance, he was one strong werewolf.

I was glad that the interrogation rooms were sound proof or the wails and screams of those being interrogated would be heard for miles around.

Thankfully, there had been no more attempts on the lives of the elders but the attacks on the humans steadily increased and not just in the New Orleans area and Selena was definitely riding my ass about it.

The highest number of attacks had occurred in New York, the Chicago area, Washington Area, Michigan, San Francisco area and Mississippi. To top all of that off add in the pissed and scared human ambassadors and council members we just had an outright pissing contest. Having traveled to area with the highest attacks the council members and I did our best to calm the humans.

The council of humans and elders met the week prior to the formal in New York to concoct a plan to deter the media. Voodoo and witchcraft were all acceptable excuses for the killings that occurred in Mississippi and the New Orleans area but it had not gone over very well in the remaining areas. Law enforcement had even attempted a serial killer story with the media but that didn't work either and the media quickly blew holes in it.

And now to tonight's headline. Local law enforcement agencies in the Illinois, Michigan, Delaware and Mississippi areas held press conferences today to address the mounting number of homicides. According to law enforcement officials the murders are the work of a serial killer dubbed the "Cryptic Killer". There has been public outcry as mounting evidence proves that one person couldn't commit all of the murders alone. Many murders have occurred at the same time in different areas around the U.S. which makes the serial killer explanation by authorities impossible. We will have more on this story as it develops. Live in New York this is Sophia Bhargava, channel 16 news.

Affinity turned off the television placing the remote back down on the table. "Is that the best that you could come up with?" she asked the council of humans that sat across from us in room of the New York Conference Center.

"What will you have us do? Tell them the truth?" spat Patsy, New York's mayor.

No, we expected you to collaborate with one another to come up with something more believable." Abraxas answered.

"We don't have that kind of time to sit around and brainstorm on the perfect lie." She shot back.

"Why Patsy that's exactly what we expected. Of all people that should be your specialty being New York's mayor. All you do is lie." I replied sweetly as if talking to a child

"I do no such thing!" she shouted

"Oh please Patsy! None of your damn campaign supporters are present so cut the crap! We all lie. It's the nature of the beast!" David the Governor of Illinois replied in irritation.

"You are members of the council of humans sworn to protect the human race it is your duty to make time." Velox answered coolly.

"Elder Velox is right. We should have made time. Patsy!" David replied glaring at her.

"What about them? What have they done?" Council woman Michelle Sun said pointing an accusing finger at us.

"Obviously nothing since the number of murders continues to increase!" Carolyn, a famous talk show host chimed it.

"You act as if we sit around twiddling our thumbs all day! We are working our asses off to find out who is behind the murders." Mathios replied clearly heated from the remarks of the humans.

"Maybe we should just let them all die at the hands of whoever is behind the attacks" came a weak voice. The heads of the entire panel of elders followed the sound of the voice to the end of the table to Callindora.

Callindora had lost a significant amount of her weight and her eyes were hollow. The black web of veins over her body was nearly gone yet still slightly visible. Her hair was limp and I smiled with satisfaction as I noted the three marks that shown boldly against the white of her skin.

"Callindora that is not the way of the council." replied Affinity.

Callindora leaned forward in her seat looking across the table at the humans. "All they care about is themselves." She said looking at me with eyes full of hatred.

"Why should we give a damn about them Alesandro?" she said coldly and I knew who she was referring to.

"Callindora remember our warning to you when the council met last. We will not hesitate to take necessary actions against you." Onyx warned her.

"Because with or without them our lives can still be made a living hell." I said locking eyes her again and winking at her before settling back into my chair knowing she had understood my response

"It appears one of you" Affinity said gesturing toward David, "understands his responsibility in being a member of the council. What about the rest of you?" she finished looking over the rest of the humans.

The remaining six members looked at one another as if clearly trying to decide their level of dedication to the human race before Patsy answered reluctantly. "We understand our responsibilities." I knew she of all people was lying.

We all knew it but Affinity knew that her life would be ending soon. The aura of death according to Affinity was strong around her. Patsy, Carolyn, and Charles were too greedy by nature to have true concern for the human race.

Once we got all of this sorted out they would be removed and replaced. Any memories of the counsel and supernatural would be wiped from their minds before we would let them return to lives of ignorant bliss.

"Now that everyone has had a refresher in the purpose of the councils, what can be done to divert media attention?" Abraxos asked.

"I think" I said rising from my seat and walking over the map of the U.S. hanging on the wall "that we can play it as a popular up and rising cult of sorts. This way it is more believable. Teenagers are prone to peer pressure and their fascination with the supernatural world is insatiable. No one person is targeted and the possibility of many participants in the murders is open."

"Damn, you made that seem so simple and all it took was a little thought." David said dropping his head in shame.

"Selfishness and greed can be a beast when unchecked" I said giving David's shoulder a light squeeze. "What's important is that you learn from your mistakes and correct them but most importantly remember that in your positions sacrifices will have to be made." I said looking over the rest of the council of humans.

I heard a snort of disgust from Patsy but she was smart enough to keep her pretty little mouth shut. The council was fed up with a majority of the human council members and tempers were short these days when it came to them. The rest of the meeting was a quite a bore though scenarios of Annalise's rejection of me played themselves repeatedly in my mind like a silent horror film.

It didn't matter what hope made its way into each scenario they always ended the same. I always ended up alone my heart torn and my soul shattered in a never ending existence.

Having had the meeting of councils adjourned a little over an hour ago I now stood in my hotel room as I watched the night rain pound against the window. I found comfort in the pounding rain as it matched the cold emptiness of my heart.

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