Chapter 9- Thinking of Ettore

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Annalise's POV

I knew he had been behind me as we walked down the hall and I knew that he was watching me as I walked to my car. Pulling out of the parking lot I make a left heading home with "Crazy" by Gnarles Barkley blaring through the speakers. I'd made it to class early after getting off from work. I wish I had had time to run home and change clothes but home was across town. I work full time as a head teller at the First National Bank of Roanoke which was only ten minutes away from the University so it was easier to just head over after work.

Walking into the class I head for the back of the class since I hated being up front. Choosing my seat I take out my laptop and stack my notebook and textbook neatly. Yep, I think to myself, definitely OCD. I slowly take in my surroundings of the classroom taking note of all of the students who were present. Sitting with my back against the wall and my leg stretched out across the chair in front of me I look at the guy who had just walked in the door. My breath hitches as I take in his appearance. I usually give credit where credit is due but damn! This was one good looking guy yet at the same time he looked like a complete asshole. Like he was used to getting his way. Our eyes meet and he slowly makes his way to the back of the class toward me. Oh great! This guy is probably going to be a pain in the ass all quarter.

The rest of the students finally straggle in followed by the professor. "Good evening class. I am your professor Carol Sampson." The professor starts removing her glasses to clean them. She was a short light skinned woman in her early fifties and wore her hair tied back in a tight bun. I could tell that she didn't like to play games. After covering the syllabus, faculty expectations and contact information she asks everyone to share their name and a little about themselves. Slowly she makes her way around the room to each student. I listen giving my attention to each student as they give their introductions. Damn! They like to talk a lot! Why don't they just tell their whole life story? They shared everything from their age, relationship status, number of kids, favorite color, food, past time, work history and school history. Didn't need to know about all of that.

The introductions have made their way around to the good looking guy slash asshole who had chosen his seat at the cluster of tables next to me. "Uhhh. My name is Scott Ettore and I am from the Roanoke area. This is my first year in school here at Roanoke. And for the past 15 years I have worked in law enforcement."

So he was in law enforcement? Well, I certainly did love a man in uniform obviously since I was dating one. Next it was my turn. I see him turn to look at me and I know he's trying to find out about me for some reason. "My name is Annalise Addison. This this is my first year here at Roanoke and my major is psychology" I said tilting my heat and locking eyes with him and giving him a "what in the hell are you looking at" look. I see what looked like disappointment flicker momentarily across his face before I turn without care to listen to the next student.

Once the introductions were done, the professor covered class project. "This project counts as 50% of your grade." She says pushing her glasses up. "I will split you into groups of three and you will pick a method of policing to research. After researching your chosen method you will then create a power point presentation that you will present to the class. Each member of the group will be required to present a portion of the presentation. You will need to find time to meet outside of class if you hope to accomplish this task. You will also work with your group throughout the class, so if you have any issues with one another I suggest you deal with them."

I laugh to myself. She must have been reading my thoughts. I damn sure didn't want to work with lover boy over here. Chief stands counting heads in the classroom before she assigned us to groups which she unfortunately did by how we were already group according to our seats. Looking around, I realized that's exactly who I was going to be working with.

"Andretta, Scott, and Annalise. You three will work together." Chief Sampson says. Dammit to hell! Just my luck! I think as we spend the rest of the class listening to Chief lecturing on the various ethical codes of law enforcement and before ending class with a homework assignment.

Unlocking the door to my condo. I walk in tossing my keys down on the table. Heading to the kitchen I drop my bag down in the chair and pull some leftover spaghetti from the fridge and fixed a nice size bowl. As my food heats I pour myself a glass of tea. My phone rings and I grab it off the counter. 


"Hey baby!" Will's voice greets me.

"Hey sexy!" I reply smiling.

"I know your tired but I just wanted to see how your first day of class was and make sure you made it home okay." 

"You're so sweet! Class was okay, nothing special." I reply taking a bite of my spaghetti I'd grabbed out of the microwave. "How was your day?" 

"Had another girl report a rape. Went to a party and got drunk, woke up naked in the bathroom." 

"Hmp." I answer mouthful of spaghetti.

"Well obviously whatever you're eating is pretty good. I'll let you finish eating and let you get some sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you!" He says laughing.

"Love you too." Hanging up the phone I finish dinner at the counter before heading to the bathroom to take my shower. Flipping the light on in the bathroom I strip down out of my clothes and toss them in the hamper. Setting Pandora on T.I., I pin my hair up and brush my teeth before stepping into the shower. Strangely my thoughts circle slowly back to Scott. Despite the fact that he was probably an asshole he was still good looking. Drying off I put on deodorant and lotion before crawling into bed and for the first time since I had been dating Will, I fall asleep dreaming of another man. Scott.

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