Chapter 40

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"Remarkable how blissfully unaware even supernaturals are is it not?" Ambrogio asked amusement flickering in his eyes. I stood flabbergasted unable to speak.

"It is quite a bit of information to comprehend even for the most intelligent beings." Ra said. "Ambrogio, if you would please" he said motioning to me.

"We have many powers as vampires" Ambrogio began. "Enhanced speed, sight, hearing, smell, well you know" he said with a shrug. One thing that we lack unbeknownst to humans is the ability to fly" he said, a pair of silver wings springing from behind him.

Calling Donta, Basil and Certus over to us they marveled at the silver wings they saw before them. "I have watched you four and the loyalty that you have for one another" Ambrogio said looking between the four of us.

"I trust my son's judgment and I know that he chose each of you with great consideration. I know that each of you will be a great asset in the events to come and as such the mighty Ra has allowed me to bestow the gift of flight upon you. Now if each of you will bow before me I shall bestow the gift upon you."

We, one by one, kneeled before him as he sprinkled a black dust over us chanting as he did so. The muscles in my shoulders began to spasm and I looked to see the same was happening with the others. The spasms were followed by a tingling sensation and then the sound of ripping as our wings sprung free.

Donta's wings were a dark brown that complemented the lightness of his brown skin, Basil's wings were a storm gray color while Certus' were a rich dark navy blue. There was a low whistle that came from Certus, he and the others admiring my wings.

According to the others my wings were of the darkest black and massive, I could feel the tips of them dragging the floor. I stretched my wings which felt like a natural extension of myself while the others practiced with their wings.

"Whoa there Alesandro." Ambrogio said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Those are some powerful wings that can do a lot of damage when used in closed spaces. You may want to wait until you are back on earth in an open and deserted area to test them out. Trust me." He said with a wink.

I laughed slowly. "You have never steered me wrong." I turned to look at him. "Ambrogio what of Kharis?"

"She is here with me but I fear that is a visit for another time my son. Our time here has come to an end." He answered giving my shoulder a light squeeze.

"Ambrogio is right my friends. Our time together has come to an end and you must return to Earth. As we discussed earlier the rest of you will be summoned back once your training has begun. As for Hathor and Alesandro you must learn to use your powers on your own and I suggest you waste no time in doing so for the worst is yet to come. Until we meet again my friends." Ra finished and with a wave of his hand we were back in the conference room of home.

The family must have sensed my presence in the house because in a matter of seconds there were standing in front of us, worry and relief etched on their faces.

"We were worried sick about you guys!" Tylil said as she burst into tears rushing over to Annalise and crushing her in a hug.

"We were only gone a few hours Tylil." Mathios said with an eye roll.

"Actually sir, you were gone a week and a half" Saban answered moving forward showing him the date and time on his cell.

"Well hell! Dip me in oil and call me slick son!" Mathios said with a laugh.

"It would appear that time moves at a much slower pace on the Egyptian plain than on Earth." Onyx said thoughtfully.

"That may be Onyx but as for right now I must keep Tylil from crushing my wife." I said with a smile literally having to pry Annalise from Tylil's iron grip.

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