Chapter 17- Seduction

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The condo is small by my standards but its very well kept. She deserved a mansion not this cardboard box. Unlocking the balcony door I'm greeted by the sound of the Russell River as it rushes by below and I find it very soothing. I had been standing out there for ten minutes before deciding to head back in.

"Annalise?" I call as I walk back in. "Annalise?" I cal louder after receiving no answer.

"What?" She yells from the bedroom

"Are you okay?" I ask heading into the kitchen.

"Yes! Can I please change clothes in peace Ettore?" 

Searching a couple of the cabinets I find a glass and head to the fridge. Surely she would have something to drink. Wine or tea maybe? I find a pitcher of tea and pour myself a glass. I hear her pad down the hall and know without a doubt that I'm going to strike a nerve for what I'd just done. With a smile I turn to face the doorway as I ready myself for what was to come.

"What the hell Ettore? You're just going to go through my cabinets and drink my tea now? I guess your going to want dinner next!" She huffs throwing her hands up. "You know what?" She says grabbing the glass from my hand. "Get the hell out of my house!" 

I look at her change of outfit. She's now wearing light blue pajama pants and a white tank top and her hair falls messily along her face. Walking up to her she backs up against the kitchen island. "You want me to leave?" 

"Yes!" She says as I hear her heart rate increase.

"Are you sure?" I question getting closer to her her heartbeat music to my ears.

"Yes Ettore!" She snaps softly and I watch her desperately try to control her breathing.

Taking the glass from her and placing it on the counter and lean down  to whisper in her ear,.  "See the thing is, I really don't think you want big daddy to leave do you?" I reply huskily as I lean back to look her in the eyes.

"Yes, I want you to leave." She says her voice much softer as she looks up at me. I see her fight with herself as she struggles to regain control. "Dammit Ettore leave my...." Is all she manages to say before my lips crush against hers.

She's momentarily startled before she eagerly returning my kiss. I trace the outline of her lips with my tongue and she opens her mouth to me. I groan as she nibbles on my lips and grabs a hand full of hair pulling me closer to her. Grabbing her by the waist I pick her up setting her on the island as I trail kisses down along her jawline. Kissing her behind the ear I feel her shiver and I pull her closer. A low growl escapes my lips and she wraps her legs around me as our kiss deepens becoming more and more passionate. I feel myself growing and I know I can take her then and there. My body is flooded with pleasure wherever our bodies touch and I want to maintain our kiss forever.

Unfortunately our kiss is interrupted momentarily by the sound of my cellphone as it rings in my pocket.

"Do you need to get that?" She asks seductively as she sucks playfully on my bottom lip.

"To hell with the phone!" I whisper against her and I grab her around the small of her back pulling her closer, kissing her with increased hunger, as my phone continues its insistent ringing. After several calls she looks at me in irritation.

"You probably better answer that." She says breaking our kiss once more.

"This better be damn good!" I growl into the phone.

"Alessandro, darling! Is that any way for you to greet me?" Come Callindora's voice. Although she was not on speaker I know Annalise heard Callindora's voice and I watch her face darken as she pushes me away and hops down from the counter.

"What in the hell do you want?" I snarl into the phone as I watch Annalise storm out of the kitchen.

"Come home to me and I will tell you then sexy." She replies in her most seductive voice.

"My house is not your home! Do you understand me?" I spit with hatred.

"See you in a few." She says sweetly ending the call. Walking out of the kitchen I find Annalise standing with the front door open.

"Get out!" She says coldly.

"Annalise, it's not what you think." I begin. I'm boiling with rage at Callindora stupidity as the anxiety of Annalise's obvious anger seizes me.

She raises her hand to silence any words that are about to flow forth. "Get the hell out of my God damn house Ettore!" She yells.

For some reason her words cut me to the core. Normally, her anger towards me is amusing but somehow I know I've hurt her. I walk to the door turning to look at her. Reaching out to stroke her cheek I flinch as she turns her head away from me before saying quietly. "Get out."

We stand looking at one another as the moments pass before I turn and walk out of her door as she slams it shut behind me. I had not felt this kind of pain since I'd lost Tiet. Callindora would pay for this shit!

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