Chapter 34

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"What is done, is done. What matters now is that we do all that we can to maintain the balance of fate." Ra said "With that being said, no grandchild of mine shall be born out of wedlock." He said eyeing my carefully. "Alesandro do you love my daughter?" he asked.

"I do, mighty Ra. I love her more than my very existence." I answered giving Hathor's hand a light squeeze.

"Hathor do you love this being?" he asked her.

"I do father." She answered.

"Then do you both consent to being married before the Gods?" he asked.

"We do" we answered simultaneously.

"Isis if you would please perform the ceremony" Ra said turning to her.

"I would be honored." She responded.

Ra turned to face us once more. "A marriage performed in the presence of the Gods is stronger than any bond that can be forged among supernaturals. Neither husband nor wife are permitted to end the marriage without approval from the Gods. If there is uncertainty among the Gods as to whether the resolution of the marriage is permitted then it goes before the one true God for judgment, however, the resolution of a marriage has only reached such a level only once in my existence."

Whoever the once true God was he or she apparently was the ultimate authority as the Gods themselves kneeled, including Ra himself, in respect at the very mention of the God and we silently followed suite. Several moments of silence passed in the hall before each God rose one by one and returned to their thrones.

"Do the two of you still consent to marriage?" Ra asked eyeing both of us carefully.

"There is no doubt in my love for your daughter." I answered

"Nor is there any in my love for Alesandro." Hathor said wrapping her arms around me in a loving embrace.

"Very well. Let the ceremony begin." He said motioning to Isis

With a wave of Nut's hand our entire party was in traditional wedding attire. The men wore Shendyts, skirts that were gathered in graceful pleats and belted with gold, our eyes painted with kohl, elaborate gold and turquoise gorgerine necklaces hung about our necks and thick gold bracelets adorned our wrists.

Hathor's wedding gown was an eloquent form fitting v-neck kalasiris. The gown had turquoise and gold embellished banding at the waistline and flared and fell in graceful folds to the floor. Her straight hair hung down past her shoulders and her head held her crown of horns with the sundisk of Ra in between them, the amulet of Akmun-Ra upon her neck, gold earrings hung from her ears and a golden snake band wound its way around her upper arm.

The remaining women wore kalasiris the same as Hathors' but somewhat simpler. Golden necklaces hung about their necks, their eyes painted like ours with kohl and various bracelets jingled around their wrists as the earrings dangled from their ears.

"Hathor and Alesandro please bow before me" Isis said standing at the center of the hall. "Alesandro repeat these words" Isis instructed me.

"Thou beautiful one! My heart's desire is

To procure for you your food as your husband,

My arm resting upon your arm.

You have changed me by your love.

Thus say I in my heart,

In my soul, at my prayers:

"I lack my commander tonight,

I am as one dwelling in a tomb."

Be you but in health and strength,

Then the nearness of your countenance

Sheds delight, by reason of your well-being,

Over a heart, which seeks you with longing.

Forever as the Gods may dwell so shall my eternal love for you as I shall be your husband so long as I exist and even in death."

As I repeated these words my heart swelled with a happiness that I had not known for centuries. "Goddess Hathor please repeat after me." Isis instructed

I hear thy voice, Oh my love

Weary am I with love, with love,

Oh, whither shall I go?

Is joy to be denied?

No, for I have found my dear, my love;

And I am by his side.

We wander forth, and hand in hand

We shall forever walk as husband and wife

I am his and he loves no other

I am the fairest in the land,

For he has called me so.

Forever as the Gods may dwell so shall my eternal love for you as I shall be your wife so long as I exist and even in death."

As Hathor finished her vows, Isis with outstretched arms began a slow chant as the remaining Gods slowly joined in. Of what the Gods chanted I do not know but whatever it was, was enough to move our entire parties to tears followed by immense joy as quiet fell upon the room.

"Young lovers approach me." Ra commanded. Walking and bowing at his feet we were instructed to rise and as I rose I was face to face with Ra. He had shrunken himself down in order to be nearer to us. Studying me closely his eyes landed his eye tattooed across my heart. "Your love for my daughter is truly eternal and for that I could not ask for a better son" he said embracing me warmly.

The heat of the sun radiated off of his body but it did not burn my skin but was more of a gentle warmth that flooded my senses. "I will now place upon each or your left wrists the sign of Wadjet Goddess of Protection and on your right wrist shall be the symbol of life, the ankh with the eye of myself at its center. I will warn you young vampire this will be quite painful." He warned.

"Nothing is more painful that being without my love my Lord." I responded without a second thought.

"Very well, hold out your hands palms up."

I did as I was told and was seized by an excruciating pain from the heat of his hands as he gripped my wrists tightly. I screamed in inhuman agony as the pain blinded my eyes. My eyes which were glowing bright blue dulled as tears of blood fell from them and blood streamed from my mouth and nose. The smell of flesh assaulted my nostrils as the symbols were slowly being burned into my skin.

I had never intentionally exposed myself to sunlight but I was sure that this was what it felt like, to literally feel as if you were being roasted from the inside out. My blood felt as if it were boiling and my bones felt as if they were drying out to the point where they felt weak and brittle. After what seemed an eternity Ra released his grip as I fell gasping to the floor. Ra helped me up as Isis dabbed a green looking paste on my wrists to aid in the healing process and wiped the blood from my eyes, nose and mouth.

Turning to look at Hathor Ra asked. "Dearest daughter are you ready?"

"I am father" she answered with determination on her face. Steeling my nerves and fighting through the pain I kissed her lightly on her cheek as she held out her hands. Ra gave her one last look before grabbing her wrists and smiled at what he saw.

Despite the massive pain that we all knew she was feeling, not one cry of pain escaped her mouth. I flinched as the smell of her flesh burning slowly curled upward into my nostrils. Again after what seemed and eternity he released his daughter placing a kiss upon her forehead in doing so. Hathor looked around the hall and was met with approving glances from the Gods.

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