Chapter 8- Is it her?

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Pulling back into the garage I grab my pack and head into the house. Going to the fridge disguised as a cabinet I open the door and grab a bottle of blood. Grabbing a wine glass I pour myself a glass. I did this just in case I had a human visitors turn up at the house. Imagine a human opening the fridge to see if stocked to the brim with bottles of blood. The media would have a field day with that! Heading through the commercial sized kitchen I head out into the huge foyer. The house was quiet. Unlike most vampire masters who insisted on dozen of guards as well as keeping a house filled with members of the family, I choose to utilize a handful of well-trained supernatural and human assassins for security around the premises and a select few family members to reside in the house with me.

Walking toward the stairs I see the soft glow of the fireplace coming from the living room. "Honey! How was your night at school?" Comes Certus his voice mimicking a woman. Instead of hanging a right and heading down the hall to my office I continue walking until I reach the living room.

"Great mom!" I reply taking a seat in the chair across from him whilst dropping my backpack beside me.

Certus sits on the sofa drinking a bloody Mary. Literally. A bloody Mary was what we called any beautiful woman who served as a feeding source for us. The girl sits with her arms and legs draped across a shirtless Certus her head thrown back revealing the large artery in her neck. A small trickle of blood runs from the sips that Certus has already taken. The girl who's wearing Certus' shirt is in a state of euphoria as she rubs her hands across his chest.

"Care for a drink?" he asks nodding down at her while licking the blood that ran down her neck with each beat of her heart.

"No thanks mom." I laugh raising my glass to him. I rarely fed from humans anymore preferring the chilled blood I kept in the fridge. Don't get me wrong, fresh blood gave me an almost insatiable appetite but seeing as we could make our host feel any emotion, I was not willing to pull from my own memories to give them feelings of happiness, my anger and fear could kill and I damn sure wasn't in the seduction mood. Hadn't been for centuries.

"How was class?" 

"Criminal justice and politics, you know all the fun stuff." I reply sipping slowly from my glass.

The bloody Mary moans as Certus leas  down to take another drink from her and she clutches at his chest as the sensations of pleasure run through her.

"There was this one girl though." 

Certus stops drinking licking the blood off of his fangs and curiosity in his eyes. "What do you mean a girl?" He says sitting up at the great displeasure of the bloody Mary who now sits dazed and confused.

"She was a Black girl, looked like she had an attitude from hell but Certus she was absolutely beautiful."

"You normally don't give women a second thought Alessandro." Certus says eyeing me.

"I know. That's what I have been trying to figure out." I reply.

 "Do you think it's her?" 

"Absolutely not!!" I snap slamming my fist down on the arm of the chair making the bloody Mary jump. "Don't you think she would come back in a similar form as to what she had then?!" 

"Alessandro, you know as well as I do that anything is possible. Would you let a difference in appearance prevent you from finding out and would it really be so bad if it were her?"

I turned his question over and over in my mind as I rise from the chair. Snatching my backpack off the floor I head to my office to do the homework assignment. Walking into my office I see that the house staff have been to clean up the mess I'd made after my discovery going through the phone records. I sit down at the stainless steel and glass desk flipping my laptop open to start the assignment. Read chapters two and three and answer the questions below and read the handout the Chief had given us. Simple enough.

Taking out my textbook I flip to chapter 2 and began reading.

Law enforcement broadly refers to any system by which some members of society act in an organized manner to enforce the law by discovering, deterring, rehabilitating or punishing persons who violate the rules and norms governing that society.[1] Although the term may encompass entities such as courts and prisons, it is most frequently applied to those who directly engage in patrols or surveillance to dissuade and discover criminal activity, and those who investigate crimes and apprehend offenders.[2] Furthermore, although law enforcement may be most concerned with the prevention and punishment of crimes, organizations exist to discourage a wide variety of non-criminal violations of rules and norms, effected through the imposition of less severe consequences.

The minutes passe and I realize I'd been reading the same paragraph over and over. My mind kept returning to Annalise and her chocolate brown eyes. Sighing I lean back in my chair puzzled as to why I had been so nervous. I had never had a problem with public speaking and I wasn't nervous about being back in school. Was Annalise honestly the reason for my anxiety? I begin once again to turn Certus' question over in my head. Would it really be that bad if it were her? Running my hand through my hair I grunt as I stare down at the textbook. Well my homework plan was shot to hell but I still had two days to get it done. Clicking on an email from Certus I bring up the class schedule. Tomorrow I had principles of psychology-1506. Two classes per quarter twice a week for four hours. That wasn't so bad I think kicking my legs up on the desk and closing my eyes as I begin to turn the question over again in my mind.

"Abraxos, Velox, Alesandro, Asensus and Onyx!" Comes Affinity's voice.

"Yes, Affinity?" I answer instantly knowing that something was wrong.

"The Ultonis have made several attempts on the lives of two of our eldest council members!"

"What!?" I reply my eyes snapping open.

"Someone blew up a caravan thought to be carrying Onyx and made several attempts to poison Velox with the blood of Typhon! They are growing bold in their attacks! We can no longer afford to be idle. We must act as time is now of the essence. I trust each of you to work diligently to find out who is responsible!"

"How dare they attack me in my own home! I will find out who it is if it's the last thing I do!"  Velox growls.

"As will I!" Onyx snarls.

"Were either of you two able to locate anyone or any type of evidence?" 

"Lucky for them we were not! I would have taken great pleasure in their demise."  Onyx answers. 

"It is quite understandable that you two are furious but you must remember that you must think before you act. We don't want to lose two of our best due to irrationality." Abraxos says calmly.

"Yes and whatever you do elders, be careful." Chimes Asesnsus and Affinity simultaneously before ending connection.

Who in the hell would be crazy enough to seek out the blood of Typhon? Typhon had been one of the most feared Gods rivaled only by Zeus. Typhon had the upper half of a man and the lower half was of two viper coils. When he stood his head scrapped the stars wtih a wing span that blocked out the sun and with eyes that forever blazed fire. Typhon had attempted to overthrow Zeus at the will of Gaia after Zeus had imprisoned the titans. An immense battle ensued in which Zeus reigned victorious with 100 well aimed lightning bolts to the head of Typhon. Zeus banished Typhon to Tartarus imprisoning him and throwing Mt. Etna on top of him, forever trapping him under its weight. Typhon was well known for his tantrums and struggles to get out but was only recognized by humans as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. I didn't believe in Gods but I knew they existed. Supernaturals didn't bother with religion unless it was their source of origin. Unlike humans who believed there to be only on God or Gods according to their beliefs, multiple sets of Gods existed fueled by the loyalty of those who served them. Gods had been around for eons ruling various worlds, dimensions, and galaxies. Most Gods were not greedy and could co-exist among worlds and galaxies with little problem. Gods never ceased to exist. They were always there.

"Certus, the Ultonis have begun attacking the council."

"Is the council going to declare war?" 

So far, there has been no mention of war but if we don't stop the Ultonis war will be inevitable"'

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