Chapter 33

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There was a low murmur as Hathor and I approached my office and silence fell like the night over the land as we walked in hand in hand.

"As most of you know" I began "my heart has belonged to Tiet for centuries and more recently to Annalise." I said squeezing Hathor's hand.

"I have found her. I have found the love that I lost so long ago." I finished placing my arm around her waist and pulling Hathor in for a passionate kiss as the office burst into applause and cheers.

"I'll let you handle the rest" I murmured in her ear before releasing her.

She held up her hand to silence my family. "I do not believe in keeping secrets and as you are Alesandro's family you are now my family. Not only am I Tiet and Annalise, but I also the Goddess Hathor, Goddess of Love, motherhood and fertility. I warn each of you, do not mistake me as being weak for I am also the warrior Goddess known as Sekhmet. I love Alesandro with every fiber of my being which is why I have never stopped searching for him and as you are his family I will love each of you as if you were my own family."

A collective gasp rippled across the room as I watched my family members drop to their knees in respect for Hathor. "Please rise my family. Do not bow before me." She said gently walking over to Tylil and taking her hand for her to rise. "I only ask that each of you address me as Annalise. It would not be wise for word to get out that a Goddess walks the earth." She said.

Gaysha walked forward and gave Annalise a hug "To see our master with such happiness on his face Goddess.....Annalise we would do anything for either of you." she finished, the office again erupted in applause and cheers.

"Silence!" came a loud but smooth male voice. Everyone began to search for its source looking quite confused. After a few tension filled moments Thoth, God of scribes and wisdom and tongue of Ra appeared. Standing his head almost touching the sixteen foot vaulted ceilings and the family once again dropped to their knees in respect. Thoth had the body of a man and the head of an Ibis bird. "Goddess Hathor." He said looking down at her. "Your father Ra demands your and Alesandro's presence along with three of Alesandro's most trusted people and the council of elders at his palace on the plain of Gods. Who are your chosen three?" He asked looking down at me.

"Mighty Thoth my choice is simple. Certus, Basil and Donta" I replied as they each stepped forward.

"Tylil please ensure that things run smoothly while we are gone" I said as she nodded in reply.

"What of the Council?" Hathor asked. "It has been done." He answered smoothly.

"Very well Thoth take us to my father."

Momentary darkness enveloped us as a gentle breeze washed over us and we found ourselves standing in a great hall before the mighty God Ra and his wife Nut. . Ra had the body of a man and the head of a hawk while his wife Nut possessed a normal female body. The hall was of ivory construction with colorful hieroglyphs painted on the walls. Torches lined the walls illuminating the hall with a bright yet warm glow revealing the remaining Egyptian Gods and Godessess who sat on either side of Ra and Nut.

Seeing the Council of Elders already present we all dropped to our knees to show respect for the massive gods that sat before us.

"Father, mother, I am overjoyed to be in your presence once more." Hathor exclaimed with happiness as she bowed in respect.

"Please rise young ones." Ra began, his voice the sound of rumbling thunder. "My dearest Hathor, do you know why I have summoned you?" Ra asked.

"I fear I do not father." She answered.

"My darling daughter you are with child." Nut answered her voice the sound of a gentle rain.

"Wh, wh, what!?" I managed to stammer.

"Is this a problem young Alesandro?" Ra asked a hint of anger in his voice.

"No sir. It is just that I was always told that vampires could not have children." I said.

"Ah, I see." Ra replied relief in his voice. "You see my children, fate is a fickle thing. Though we may tip the scale or attempt to shuffle her hand she has a way to make things come to pass." He explained. "For you see the seed of Typhon has been sown and fate must find a way to restore balance." He continued.

"Yin and Yang" came Abraxas' voice.

"Continue young one" Ra said motioning to Abraxas. "It is the philosophy of my people mighty Ra. Everything must have a balance. If there is a child of dark then there must be a child of light if balance is to be maintained. It is just as you have said mighty one, fate has a way of making impossible things possible and the possible impossible." Abraxas finished stroking his long beard as he thought.

"You are very wise young dragon." Ra replied.

"One of us is missing" came Asensus' voice. Everyone looked to determine the missing council member. "Evil is not permitted on the plain of Gods." Ra answered.

"Callindora, your missing council member is no longer one of you as she now carries the child of Typhon." Replied Horus God of war with the body of a man and the head of a falcon.

"It would seem that several of you knew of Callidora's evil nature, yet despite their protests she was still voted onto the council." Thoth said looking at each of the younger Council members.

"Even if they had not voted her onto the Council, fate would have found a way for this to occur dear husband." Ma'at replied looking at Thoth. Ma'at had the body of a female and had beautiful black and brown wings. She was the keeper of truth and order and sister to Hathor.

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