Chapter 39

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My first years with Ambrogio and Kharis were some of the happiest years of my life. I never wanted for anything yet Ambrogio made sure that I knew of what it meant to be humble. If ever I stepped out of line he was quick to correct me.

Kharis, though she had many maids, often busied herself with various chores singing as she did so. Kharis had a beautiful voice and Ambrogio often grabbed her by the waist dancing with her as she sung whenever she could. She never left me out of the fun if I were present and would offer her hand to me before breaking with Ambrogio to dance merrily around the room collapsing in laughter.

Over the years Ambrogio and I grew closer as father and son should and Kharis loved me as strongly as any mother could love her child. I was quite content at the castle and desires of leaving never surfaced. After all it was Hayk custom that families remain together.

When I had reached twenty one summers Ambrogio had come to me with a heavy heart requesting my presence in his bed chambers after supper. Fears ran through my mind as I ascended the stone steps to his chambers and hoped to the Gods that I had done no wrong.

Entering his chambers, Ambrogio sat in his favorite chair staring blankly into the fire. I opened my mouth to speak but was silenced as he spoke.

"Alesandro sit down my boy." Waving his hand toward the chair beside him. "Alesandro I have loved you as a father should have I not?" he asked looking at me with pain in his eyes.

"I have received nothing less from you father." I answered quietly. Tears streamed from his face as he looked at me. I rose from my chair falling to my knees in front of him.

"Tell me. Why do you cry father? What plagues you so?" The tears continued to flow forth as he spoke.

"My son I have kept a secret from you and I fear that you may hate me for what I am about to tell you. Still your tongue until you have heard what I have to say."

He placed a large hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes. "Alesandro do you know what I am? What Kharis and I are?" he asked.

"You are my parents." I answered quickly wishing the conversation would end.

"Have you ever noticed that your mother and I never age, that we only move through the darkest parts of the castle in the day and are more active during the night?" he asked eyeing me closely. My mind raced as all of these things hit me like kick from an ass and I knew then what they were.

"You are vampires are you not?" I asked. I was not angry nor was I scared for some reason relief washed over me.

Ambrogio sat studying me for some time before he spoke again. "Do you hate me, hate us for what we are?"

Taking both of his hands I spoke my next words from the bottom of my heart. "Father, I could never hate you. Though you and mother are vampires you have shown me love that I never knew existed and if I am to die this night or any other night by your hand or mother's hand not once shall I ever think of hating you." I said burying my head in his chest weeping freely as his arms wrapped around me in his familiar loving embrace.

Stroking my head gently Ambrogio pulled back. Alesandro I must ask you one more question he said fear clouding his eyes once more. Your mother and I cannot bear the thought of living without you. We love you more and more with each passing day but I must know son. Would you consent to allowing me to turn you? I will not force you to do anything that you do not wish to do and I will not be angry if your answer is no." he said placing a hand on my cheek.

"Father if your and mother's love for me is that strong that you wish me to be with you forever then I willingly and eagerly consent." I didn't care about immortality, I didn't know of the powers that came with being a vampire. All I cared about was my family, Ambrogio and Kharis, and if being turned meant making the only two people who had ever shown me true love and affection happy then so be it.

"I will not lie to you Alesandro it will be a painful process. Are you sure that you want to do this?" he asked with concern.

"I am ready father." I said pulling my shoulder length blonde hair to the side. I watched his fangs elongate out the corner of my eye as his head slowly descended toward my neck eyes glowing their rich electric blue. My transformation was one of the most painful experiences I had ever had but as I stood in front of Ambrogio now, I had not one regret.

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