Chapter 4- Temptress' Song

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I bid the eldest council members good night before heading to my room as I slowly replay the night's events in my mind. Tarus could be so damn stubborn at times but the way he had disrespected Abraxos made my blood boil. I began to try and piece together the puzzle of who the rogue council member could be. My suspicions were that it was Callindora but I couldn't be sure.

 Nearing my room I hear the notes of a most beautiful voice. It was a song that stirred every emotion in me but it was absolute bliss. I sigh placing my hand on the handle of the door as I already know the source of the enchanting melody. I open the door to find Temptress standing in the window looking hauntingly beautiful as the moonlight streams through the window bathing her in its silver light.

Temptress was tall and lean with white hair that flowed in gentle waves down her back. She wore a fitted royal blue dress that plunged showing ample cleavage and split that rode high showcasing her gorgeous legs, which were made even longer by the matching blue stilettos. To any other creature her song would have surely meant their demise but for me all it did was create a sense of emotional bliss but not enough to impair me.

She turns slowly gliding over to me as she finishes the last notes of her song. "Alessandro do you not want me?" She asks moving behind me to run her hands around my waist.

"No!" I snap turning quickly to meet her frost gray eyes.

"I may not be able to replace her but I can make you sooooo happy." She coos attempting to graze my lips with her own.

"You are truly a beautiful woman Temptress but I need more than physical happiness. The happiness I seek is not something that you can give me. I will say this once more and for the final time. I have no interest in you, Callindora, or Iconia and I would greatly appreciate it if you left my room before I am forced to throw you out as I did Callindora like yesterday's trash." I spit removing her hands which had found their way to my chest.

She looks at me with tears welling up in her eyes but I know its just one of her many tricks to snare men into her trap.

"It won't work Temptress!" I snarl coldly. Her gray eyes hardened as her white hair begins to float around her illuminated by the moonlight.

"You can have any woman you want Alessandro! Including myself but you still pine for her like a child pines for a long lost toy! She is not coming back!" She screams storming out of the room slamming the door behind her.

By the elder vampires! Could I not just enter my room one time this week in peace I think raking a hand through my ear length blonde hair?! I had experienced the repetition of one of the three women, Callindora, Temptress, and Iconia, waiting in my room every night this week. My patience with the women had grown thin and I was more that elated to know that they would be leaving tomorrow night.

Exhausted I decide to skip my shower tonight and just try to unwind. I close the curtains blocking out the silver wash of the moon and strip down to my briefs before sliding under the comforter. I lay on my back, my fingers laced behind my head, staring at the ceiling and my thoughts begin to drift to my love Tiet.

She had not gone to sleep the last few hours of the night and had sat clutching the stake tightly to her chest for most of the day. She had crept quietly across the room to eat as the servants silently came and went with the day's meals. When I awoke she was still sitting there looking at me by the glow of the fire.

I roll over stretching luxuriously as I sit up. "Good evening Tiet." I greet softly eyeing the jewel that sat before me.

"Good evening sire." She returns softly.

"Please call me Alessandro." I plead with her.

"It would not be proper sire." She retorts. Ahhh, such a feisty one. I like her spirit. "I see that you made no attempts on my life." I laugh nodding toward the stake in her hand.

"You kept your promise and the Gods would not be happy if I were to dishonor any being by taking their life though their word has been kept. Do not take my loyalty to the Gods a sign of weakness. If you think that you will drain me of my life, then so help me by the God Horus I will kill you!" she spits in a voice laced with venom.

"What have I done to make you dislike my so?" 

She jumps up from her seat pointing the stake accusingly. "It's not what you have done! It is what your kind has done! Your kind has drained the blood of thousands of our people! You are no different than them! And I have no doubt that as soon as you have the opportunity you will drain me! She yells fury with in her chocolate eyes before plopping back down into her chair.

I laugh to myself. "I see." I reply thoughtfully leaning back on the bed. "Tell me something Tiet. You know what I am yet you didn't kill me. I never said you couldn't leave nor have I made any attempt to stop you yet here you remain. So tell me then.....why are you still here?"

She opens her mouth to speak but snaps it shut again as she stares at me with her chocolate brown eyes. I rise from the bed crossing the room to kneel in front of her gently rubbing her cheek feeling her shiver beneath my touch. "Why are you still here?"

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