Chapter 29

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"Attention! Attention everyone!" Dean Paulaski said tapping the mic to get everyone's attention. "Everyone gather around for the crowning of the Fall Formal king. Once the King has been crowned he will choose his queen from among you."

Murmurs rose throughout the ball room as I watched girls whisper excitedly, jumping up and down in hopes that I would pick them. They had no clue who I was but they were salaciously taking in my form.

"It appears that our king has already taken his seat on the throne. After he has chosen his queen the identity of both will be revealed." Dean Paulaski finished.

"We want to know who the hottie is now!" came a girls shout from somewhere in the crowd.

"Well then I regret that I have to disappoint you ladies." Dean Paulaski answered. "Now if our king would choose his queen." Dean Paulaski said turning to me.

As much as I wanted to run down the velvet covered steps to Annalise I sat there momentarily before rising and slowly descending. I heard girls gasp as I neared them making my way to Annalise and sigh in defeat as I passed. Reaching the table where Annalise sat I reached my hand out to hers.

It felt like an eternity as she looked at me before taking my hand. I heard the murmurs of the girls as they fussed about the ceremony being fixed since Annalise and I matched perfectly in our dress. Placing her arm around mine we made our way in slow silence back toward the stage ascending the stairs with grace. I allowed her to take her seat first and she seemed almost reluctant to release her grip on me before I took my own.

"Ladies and gentleman! I give you your king Scott Alesandro Ettore and his queen Annalise Marie Addison!" Dean Paulaski announced as members of the student council placed the crowns on our heads. "In the spirit of tradition I must now as that the floor is cleared so that the king and queen may have their dance." Dean Paulaski said as he and a majority of the students applauded while the sore losers sat sulking.

I rose from my chair and turned offering Annalise my hand as she stared at me intensely before finally taking my hand. She really has a way of getting me flustered. Having made our way the floor we began a slow waltz to the soft classical music that filled the room. I was oblivious to everyone in the room as we glided around the room in silence as we stared deeply into one another's eyes.

When the waltz had ended she turned removed her hand from my shoulder backing away. "Annalise will you please allow me one more dance?" I asked quietly as John Legend's All of Me filled the room.

"Yes." She replied in a whisper placing both hands around my neck.

I watched as couples slowly streamed onto the floor. "Annalise, I'm so sorry that I hurt you." I said running a finger down her cheek.

"You lied to me Ettore." She answered.

"I never lied Annalise. About anything. What I was never came up and if you had asked I would have told you." I replied softly. "And as far as Callidora and I, we never have nor will we ever be anything more than enemies." I finished.

"I know." She said leaning her head against my chest.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Let's just say I had friend of yours ours talk to me" she said nodding toward Andretta who now sat conversing with her husband.

"You can thank me later." Andretta laughed noticing our look in her direction.

"Annalise, every day that went by without you was absolute agony but I'm willing to wait my turn." I told her pulling her close.

"You don't have to wait Alesandro. William and I are not together anymore. I am yours." She said pulling back to look at me. "Yeah, I know Scott is not your real name." she said with a laugh as if reading my mind.

"Andretta?" I asked.

"Andretta." She answered smiling.

"Annalise are you okay with what I am?" I asked.

"Yes Ettore. I am." She answered as I pulled her close to me. "You really went through all of this just for an opportunity to talk to me again?" she asked.


"Actually Jose." She answered making my grip around her tighten as I let out a low growl.

"Easy Big Daddy Jose spoke only in your favor." She said rubbing small circles on the back of my neck with one of her thumbs. Her words made me relax but I knew I had to make her mine.


"hmmm?" she said.

"I have a gift that I would like to give you but please don't freak out when I say that it's in my bedroom." She pulled back studying me.

"Do you trust me?" I asked.

We stood looking at one another before she finally answered. "With my life."

Taking her hand I led her out of the ballroom and up the stairs to the bedroom. "Certus. Make sure you keep things in order down there?" I told him.

"10-4" came his response.

I watched Annalise's reaction as she walked into the bedroom marveling at its size. "I can leave the door open if you'd like" I said wanting to make sure she was comfortable.

"It's okay. I trust you." She said turning to face me as I shut the door.

Walking over to Annalise who now stood near the window I grabbed her and kissed her passionately trying to make up for all the time we had lost.

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