Chapter 18- Shattered Hearts

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I slam the door after watching him walk out and I turn sliding slowly down the door to the floor as my tears flow freely. I feel as if my heart was being ripped out of my chest. Ettore wasn't mine but when I had heard her voice my entire world had shattered. Nothing mattered at that point, not even William. I didn't love him, I was just with him for comfort and it was then that I realized I loved Ettore. I barely knew him but I was drawn to him and I couldn't live without him. I fling the door open to find him standing there his hand raised to knock and despair on his face.

"Annalise.....I know what you think but it's not like that." He says quietly as his hand drops. His eyes glisten with tears and his blonde hair falls forward as his head hangs in defeat.

 With a sigh I step back motioning for him to come in. Closing the door I follow him into the living room and plant myself  next to him on the couch. We sit in silence for some time before I turn to him. He sits with his head in his hands, his blonde hair masking the tears that fall in silence to the floor.

I want to be mad at him,  to scream at him for the pain that I have in my heart, and to be held by him all at the same time. I want to tell him how much I love him and how I don't want to live without him. Pinching the bridge of my nose I turn to him with a sigh.

"As much as I would like to sit here and play the silent game I would prefer a pretty good damn explanation."

Turning to look at me my heart melts at the look of complete helplessness that's on his face. "Annalise I know I'm an asshole."

"Ya think!" I snap.

"Okay, I deserved that." He responds raking a hand through his hair.

I jump up from the couch whirling to face him "Your damn right you deserve it and you also deserve my foot shoved up your ass!" I yell. 

I see a smile playing at the corners of his mouth at my outburst as he rises to face me. "Oh, and now you think it's funny?" I snap shoving him in the chest. Of course he didn't budge but what the hell.

He closes the space between us stopping inches from me. He looks down at me, his crystal blue eyes crinkling,  the smile that was still on his face and the tear tracks still fresh.

"No. I just think your cute as hell when your mad." 

In the next moment my fist had connected with his jaw which was like hitting a brick wall. He slowly turns his head back to me."Now that wasn't very nice was it?" He replies. I swing again trying to connect with my left fist but I only meet air.

His voice comes from behind. "You'll have to do better than that Lil' Momma." To which I reply by bringing my elbow up and back trying to make contact and again only hitting air.

I spin to face him only to find no one behind me. "Ettore! Where in the hell are you?" I yell walking around the house wiping the tears from my face. Not in the living room or the kitchen, the laundry room, the spare bedroom, or either of the bathrooms. Great that only leaves one place. My bedroom. Walking into the bedroom I flip on the light and  find no one there. Grunting in frustration I turn to head back down the hall to the living room.

One moment I'm looking at the door to the spare bedroom and the next I'm on my back on the bed staring into Ettore's beautiful blue eyes. My mind can't register what's happening as his lips meet mine. I pull him closer clawing at his shirt while my tongue enters his mouth. I moan in pleasure as he fondles my breasts and he growls in irritation at my shirt which stands in his way.

I'm hungry for him and I want nothing more than for him to be inside me. His kisses are equally hungry and I feel him growing with excitement. Pulling his shirt off I flip him over and kiss his neck and chest hungrily as I feel a low growl come from him which makes me smile. I look at the tattoo across his heart and somehow my love for him increases. It's if our souls are connected and we already knew each other.

I jump at the sound of a woman clearing her throat. "Excuse me Sir Ettore I hate to break up the sexfest but your mistress has sent me to bring you home to her." She says with an eye roll.

I look at the gorgeous woman dressed as a chauffeur standing in the door of my bedroom. She has short auburn hair cut in a short bob. She wears a tuxedo jacket that's cut low showing an ample amount of cleavage, a short mini skirt, black knee high boots, and a chauffeur's hat.

"I'll wait for you in the car sir." She says with a sickly sweet smile before heading down the hall.

How did she get in my house? Had I forgotten to lock the door? And then it hits me. His mistress?! I jump from the bed and turn to face him, my heart once again shattering.

"Your mistress!? Your mistress!?" I scream. I see pure fury on his face as he looks from the door to me to which a pained expression crosses his face.

"Before you even open that mouth of yours let me make one thing clear to you Ettore." I hiss angrily throwing his shirt at him. "When you walk out of my door don't you ever come back! Now get out!" I scream as the tears once again stream down my face.

He rises slowly from the bed pulling his shirt back on turning to look at me. We stand staring at one another, as the minutes pass, both of us taking in the pain on the other's face. Finally, he turns and walks silently out. Out of my front door and out of my life.

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