Chapter 11- Hell Cat

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I had made it through Principles of Psychology and I was now headed back to class for my second criminal justice class of the week. I had chosen a navy blue t-shirt and jeans for class tonight, an obviously good choice since I was stopped by several girls as I walked to class.

The closer I get to the classroom the more nervous I become. Walking in I notice that Annalise was not there. Sighing I headed toward my seat. I pull out my book and the assignment so I could hand it in once class started. I look up to see her walk in the door her bag on her shoulder. She's wearing a white long sleeve Roanoke University shirt, jeans and Timberlands. Her hair is down and she has Costa shades on her head. She walks toward me and my mind begins to race once again. Not even bothering to look my way she takes her seat, taking out her things and taking her usual position in the chair.

"All right class" Chief says entering the room. "Hand in your assignments. Did anyone have any trouble regarding the reading?" There's a low answer of no's that ripple through the room. "Good. Tonight, you will get into you assigned groups. Each group will receive a scenario of calls that an officer would possibly receive on duty. Based on your readings you will decide whether the party or parties will be arrested and why or why not according to law. Please get into your groups."

My chest tightens as I see her grab her notebook and a pen to move. Pulling out the chair she sits down next to me as we wait for our scenario. Andretta is the first person to speak. "Okay, so are you guys ready to do this?" She asks with a grin.

"Yeah, sure." I answer.

"I'm sure this will be a breeze for you since you have so many years in law enforcement."

Andretta was a Black woman in her mid-thirties with medium length hair that was pulled back into a low ponytail and she wore a red sweater with black slacks. I see a slight smile across Annalise's lips at Andretta's comment. What was she thinking in that beautiful head of hers?

"Well, I'm certainly no expert but I will do my best" I reply with a shrug. Taking the paper of the scenario from Chief Andretta reads it to the rest of us.

You are responding to a call on Mr. and Mrs. Parker from their neighbor, Mrs. Reidling. Mrs. Reidling reports that she has heard yelling and the sound of things breaking coming from the Parker residence. Upon knocking on the door you are greeted by Mr. Parker who smells of alcohol. You observe no visible injuries to Mr. Parker. You explain why you are there and ask what happened tonight. Mr. Parker says that other than an argument nothing happened and he isn't aware of anything being thrown or broken. You ask if you could speak with Mrs. Parker and he nods to the bedroom down the hall. Upon entering the bedroom you find Mrs. Parker crying on the bed. You see a lamp broken in the corner and shards of glass on the floor indicating a struggle of some sort. You ask Mrs. Parker about the night's events. Mrs. Parker shares that Mr. Parker has been coming in later and later during the week claiming that he is working late and stays gone most of the weekend claiming to be with friends. Mrs. Parker says that she confronted him about always being gone and he blew up on her. She says that he never hit her yet you notice that her right cheek is red and several scratches on her arms. How do you handle this situation?

"Well shit! That's easy" I say. "It's obvious that Mr. Parker is the aggressor and should be arrested."

"But how do we know that she's not some crazy chick trying to get back at her husband by having him arrested?" Andretta counters.

"Regardless of if she was trying to get back at him or not, all of the evidence points to Mr. Parker. He smells of alcohol and has no visible injuries while Mrs. Parker has sustained minor injuries. There are items broken throughout the bedroom clearly indicating a struggle. I believe that Mrs. Parker confronted Mr. Parker about either his drinking or his coming in late and the argument escalated into a tussle." Annalise reponds in a matter of fact tone.

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