Chapter 20- Inferno

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Ettore's POV

Peeling out of the driveway I head down to the valley below. Cruising through the sleepy neighborhood streets at three in the morning I ride without a destination. Hours of driving finds me pulling into an alleyway behind an old strip mall and realizing that I was at Inferno, a club for supes, I shut off the bike.

My footsteps echo as I make my way down the alley toward a rusted iron door and the figure in a long black trench that leans against the building taking slow drags from a cigarette  Many unwary souls had succumb to the viciousness of the demon that stood before me. To many he looked to be your garden variety criminal but it didn't take him long to make his true nature known.

"Neasis." I snap bringing the demon out of his lax mode.

"Mr. Ettore!" He stammers sensing the darkness of my mood. "Please allow me sir!" He says rushing to open the large rusted door. 

Walking through the crowd toward the VIP section overlooking the club the beings in the crowd part like the red sea. Some sort of heavy metal blares through the speakers as I watch the crowd move hypnotically to its beat. Sitting down in one of the lounge chairs I waive one of the waitresses over and she scurries up the steps forgetting all others.

"Bring be a virgin dark night." I demand pointing to a human woman standing at the bar below.

Dark nights were masochists who thrived in this type of environment. Virgin dark nights, on the other hand,  were those who'd never before been fed upon by another vampire. Although it was a supernatural club, humans were allowed, only if they willingly chose to enter with a clear understanding that they would become food in one form or another. Most humans that came left with their lives but there were those who came with the intent to die and were therefore referred to as winter sunsets. These were humans who had lost everything including the will to live and you could always tell which were winter sunsets by the "x" that was branded into their wrists at the door. 

For the first time in ages, I was actually in the mood to feed from a human. I watch the brunette ascended the stairs looking at me with lust filled eyes but her desires would be denied in that respect. As my fangs elongated I rise from the chair moving toward the sofa on the back wall beckoning her to follow. She obediently and wisely follows and thankfully thinks better than to utter any words rather she simply leans in moving her hair to the side. Without care I grab her roughly by her hair  and sink my fangs into her neck as the deliciousness of her blood floods my mouth. With the rush of her blood comes the release of my own hurt and anger. She moans softly as my emotions flood her body and the more intense my emotions become the more her body tenses as does her whimpers of pleasure. Despite her obvious enjoyment of the experience I know that if I continue my emotions would overly tax her heart sending her into cardiac arrest and then death. I could care less about her life but she was not marked and I sought to follow club rules most times. With a grunt I push her off and send her away with a wave of my hand. Temporarily satisfied rest my head against the back of the sofa drowning out the heavy metal that still blares from the speakers.

"Ma'am you can't go up there!" I hear a waitress' fearful voice after some time had passed. 

With a groan and heavy eyes I raise my head to see Iconia ascending the steps. Well, that just ruined my temporary state of relaxation. Iconia, ever the sex-kitten, wears a tight crimson dress and gold heels. The dress has a plunging neck line that stops right above her navel. The dress barely covers her ass and the neckline is held together only by three golden chains that prevent her from spilling out of her dress. Her hair is pinned up and gold chandelier earrings dangle from her ears. With a snort I look at the human male that trails behind her drooling with her every step.

"What do you want?" 

She raises her hands in surrender. "Relax. I'm not here to try for sexual satisfaction. Unlike Callindora, I know when not to push my luck." She says sitting down at the opposite end of the couch. Snapping her fingers at her male companion and then pointing to the floor, he obediently gets down on all fours to serve as her footstool. 

"Alessandro, I have been having premonitions of what is to come."

"Oh." I reply rather disinterested and still quite irritated.

"Someone, a council member, is playing with forces beyond their control. They will unleash darkness upon the world that we will not be able to stop. It will be more than a world war if we don't stop them Alessandro, it will be the end of the world as we know it." She as as fear enters her voice. "Alessandro, someone has sought and gained audience with Typhon." 

This piqued my interest. No one knew about the use of Typhon's blood except the eldest members of the council. "How do you know this Iconia?" 

"There is a dark force that comes to me in my dreams and whispers to me when no one is around." She answers quietly shuddering in fear.

"What does this voice say to you?" 

"Seeds of good and evil will be sown, what was once will be undone, seed of light and seed of dark will be born and bear the mark, and with their birth the scales shall tip, death and famine across the land shall lie forever in the dark one's hand"  She whispers quietly as the tears stream down her face.

"I know that you and the elders believe one of the younger members to be behind the Ultnois and there is no doubt in my mind that you are right. I know that mistrust among us is great Alessandro but I can assure you that I would never harm the council and will assist in any way that I can." She finishes wiping the tears from her eyes and refreshing her makeup before rising to leave.

"Iconia" I begin grabbing her hand gently to stop her.  "We will stop whatever it is."

Removing her hand from mine she smiles weakly. "I'm not sure we can." She says whistling to her human foot stool, descending the stairs, and disappearing into the crowd.

Ain't that bout a bitch! I think as I consider Iconia's words. Rising slowly I stretch out the stiffness that had settled into my body as the effects of human blood never energized me long. It's a quarter to seven and I know I need to get my ass home. Exiting inferno in to the quiet stillness of the morning I make my way back to my bike. She once again roars to life and once more as I cruise the highways toward the winding streets of home.

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