Chapter 3

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After the film, we all decided to go an get something to eat. We ended up in this little restaurant that was 50's style and it had a jukebox in the corner but with modern music ( plus some classics ), it had leather booths with retro tables and the waitresses even wore poodle skirts! This was my kind of restaurant, I think I'm going to apply for a job there. Even if it is just to wear one of those skirts.

I was sat opposite April and Luke who were deep in conversation, not paying attention to anyone else so it seems there really getting along. I made sure to keep clear of Marley, I don't want to be quizzed tonight because I know she knows I like Luke, or at least suspects it. So I ended up sitting next to Calum again, which I didn't mind since he seemed nice and doesn't intreigate me as much as Marley.

I didn't speak much whilst at the restaurant, I should have just went home but Marley convinced me to go, I don't know why she wanted me here so bad? I wouldn't have missed out on much.

As the bill came, I begin to panic, I couldn't find my purse in my bag, I must have left it in the pictures! How am I gonna pay? I'll have to borrow money from Marley or something

"Hey Marley?" I quietly shout because she's not too far but I don't want everyone hearing our conversation, that's if she answers me

"Marley?!" my voice is getting a bit louder but she's still not answering me, too busy talking to Michael.

"Is everything okay?" I am startled when Calum asks me if I'm okay, I didn't expect him to

"Er, yeah just need to ask Marley for something" I don't need him knowing my business

"well is it anything I can give you?"

"No I don't think so but thanks"

"You don't think so? Unless you need girl things I can you anything? Gum? Do you need to use a phone?" God he's persistent but i did have a little laugh at 'girl things'

"I need none of what you just said but thanks for the offer" if Marley would just answer me, I wouldn't be having this problem now

"Marley!" she's still not answering me and Calum's still looking at me

"She's not gonna answer you, ya know? So you might as well just tell me what you need?" Now he's giving me this smirk and I must say it is adorable

"Fine, I need to borrow some money from Marley because I've lost my purse" I answered him with a sigh because I knew Marley weren't going to answer me

"Well I can pay for you, no biggy"

"Err no you can't" I say almost laughing, does he really think I'm gonna let me pay for me?

"I can and I will, Marley's too busy with Michael so she's not gonna answer you, so how else will you pay?" I guess he's right but I don't want to admit it

"Fine" I'm not going to win with him anyway

"Good" he now has an even bigger smirk on his face which is making me laugh

Once we got outside and everyone started calling cabs, I realised I had no money so I was going to have to walk. I didn't live that far anyway so it wouldn't be bad, expect it's a little dark now.

"Hey guys, I'm walking home so I'll see you all later" i already start to walk so I can avoid awkward hugs an stuff like that and then all of sudden, I hear a unison of 'what no?' and 'Lexi come back' but I just shrug them off and carry on walking.

I hadn't even got past the shop next door to the restaurant and I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Calum

"You didn't think I was gonna let you walk home alone were you?" he's giving me that cute smirk again and alls I can reply is a smile.

As we begin to walk, I see Marley out the corner of my eye and she gives me a 'your welcome' look. Oh no, she thinks I like Calum.

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