Chapter 19

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"Lexie I can explain"

"no I don't even want to hear what you've got to say" I don't even want to look at them, so I walked away, as quickly as I could because I know I'm going to cry.

"Lexie wait! Lexie!" I ignored him and kept on going, but he just kept shouting and shouting, an he was starting to catch up to me so I started to run.

But he caught up with me, I really should have taken gym more seriously.

"Lexie let me explain, please" I didn't have a chance to run before he grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him, I had no choice.

"No Luke, no"

"why? please Lex, I promise I can explain everything"

"No, because I know how this goes, your going to make up some lame excuse as to why you met April whilst on a date with me and I'm going to believe it because I'm just some naive girl who thought you were a nice guy, am I close?"

"one your not a naive girl, two I am a nice guy and three, your jumping to conclusions about all this" is trying to be funny?

"what am I jumping to conclusions about eh? The fact that whilst your on a date with me, half way through you leave to go meet a girl who happens to be my best friend, who you happened to be with this afternoon and who literally turned up minutes before you did! So what else am I suppose to think Luke?!"

"you're supposed to give me the benefit of the doubt and let me explain!"

"explain what?! that you're actually seeing April and I'm just a joke? something for you two to have a laugh at at the end of the day?!" I'm not going to let them make some joke out of me

"for gods sake Lexie I'm not seeing April! I don't even like April, I like you! And I had no clue that she was going to turn up here, I got a missed call from Calum to come outside so I did and she was out here" he started walking closer to me and my breathing started to get deeper "Lexie, I swear down that I didn't know she was out here, I wouldn't have come out otherwise because, well I like you, why would I come out to see her when I had you sitting opposite me? You look beautiful, I could have sat there and stared at you all night, so why on earth would I want to leave?" he can't say stuff like that to me because it makes me forget what I'm thinking, he makes me forget why I'm mad at him with just one look and I think I'm falling for him, but I'm worried he won't be there to catch me.

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