Chapter 36

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"so," it had been a few minutes since we got to my house and neither of us had said anything, the silence was getting unbearable but this had to be done with,

"you wanna know everything right? every last little detail?"

"everything" I sat down on the bed, hoping Luke would too, but he carried on standing,

"okay, here it goes, the day after I got discharged and I went home I didn't feel the same, something was different, I felt like someone had sucked the life out of me and it was probably that damn therapist but that's not the problem, at first I didn't want to see anyone, I was barely speaking or even eating and my mum got worried and thought I just needed company, get back into my routine so she called the boys over but they didn't help, they made things worse but they came back each day and I was slowly getting back to normal. I told the boys I weren't ready to see you and I don't know why I weren't ready to see you I just wasn't" he shrugged his shoulders and stopped speaking, why did he stop?

"are you going to carry on?" I was pushing him, I know that but I need to know what happened,

"yeah, I just don't think you'll like the next part" I knew what he was talking about now, April.

"just carry on, please" an he did,

"a few nights later the boys came and Calum brought April with him because Ashton brought some girl too, me and Calum still weren't on the best of terms at the time so I flipped on him and told him to leave and that her with him, but she refused to go, so I let her stay and then one thing led to another,"

"you slept with her?" I interrupted him, he was talking too slow,

"God no, she kissed me and she threatened me" that's still not okay but at least they didn't sleep together,

"she threatened you? are you telling me that you're scared of April?" I began to laugh because that's ridiculous,

"hey stop laughing" he pulled a pouty face at me and I forgot how adorable he could be, it made my heart ache,

"anyway, as I was going to say, no I'm not scared of April, it's what she can do that scares me"

"what do you mean?" I knew April could be mean but Luke was known as the badass, if something or someone scared him I guess it's bad

"she told me if I carried on seeing you she would make your life hell, tell people secrets about you, stuff only she knows, her words were and I quote 'I'll ruin her' " it is true, April does know things or 'secrets' about me that no one else knows and now that I know that she'll use them against me scared me too,

"but when I came to your house, and we started 'trying' again what was all that about?"

"at that point I didn't believe that she would actually do anything, but she did, she made you think I cheated on you and I promise you I never, I swear down Lex" a part of me always knew he didn't, but I just ignored it when I shouldn't have,

"so what changed your mind?"

"about what?"

"well it's been three weeks and now you tell me all of this, how come you didn't do it before? I mean, April hasn't spoken to me since she turned up here the last time, she's not going to do anything Luke" I don't see the problem, I can handle April,

"because I wanted her to believe that I'd keep my word so she wouldn't do anything to you"

"what could she possible do? I think you're being a bit dramatic, don't you?" she's told Marley something, that's why Marley has been weird with me, what has she told her?

"what's wrong?" I can't imagine what my face looks like now but I'm guessing I look shocked,

"Marley's been acting weird around me lately and April going around spilling secrets would explain why"

"so now you believe me?" his sarcastic tone reminded me of Marley and how she is always right, but I nodded my head

"Lex I love you okay, and I'm not going to let her do anything to jeopardise us again okay, and I promise you that never again am I going to listen to you when you tell me to 'get out' because that was the worst mistake I ever made" I wanted to say the exact same back to him but I couldn't, I couldn't form a sentence, until after minutes at staring him, I finally did,

"I love you too"

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