Chapter 9

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"me" I question Luke because I don't have a clue why he would urgently need to talk about me with me?

"yes, you" he still seems pretty certain he wants to talk about me

"why?" I'm still in shock, I can't even answer in full sentences and I must have gave him that impression because he looks worried

"I don't know if April told you, but, I only ever wanted to be friends with her because I kind of like someone else" he's looking at me as if I should know something else, I just can't figure out what?

"yeah she told me, but I don't see what it's got to do with me?" I don't know where he's going with this?

"Lexie are you that stupid?" he's laughing, why is he laughing?

"I don't know, I must be if I can't figure this out" he's got an infectious laugh because I find myself laughing with him and I don't even know why?

"okay, well I'll give you some clues, the girl I like happens to be in this room"

"oo is it that waitress? you were being all nice and polite to her before, is that why?" I knew he wasn't that polite to strangers

"ew no I don't like the waitress and I'm just polite to strangers I guess" well I was completely wrong about him

"I don't know then, give me some more clues" I will find it out, even if it kills me

"okay well, she's got lovely long brown hair, that just about touches her elbows, she's about a foot smaller me which is adorable but you can't tell because she's sitting down, she hasn't got a lot of make up on, my theory is that she doesn't need it anyway because she's beautiful, she's wearing black skinny jeans and my favourite colour converse" as he's telling me this, I'm looking round the room to find the person that matches Luke's description but I can't see her?

"are you sure this girls in here or are you just making her up?"

"I'm 100% positive that she's here and I'm looking at right her" and as I turn my head to look back at Luke, he's staring at me with his big blue eyes and it's then that I realise that Luke was describing me, I'm wearing black skinny jeans, I'm wearing converse that must be his favourite ones, my hair is brown and just touches my elbows and I haven't got any make up on because I didn't have time. All this time, Luke was describing me. Luke likes me?

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