Chapter 35

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When I got to the football field Luke was already there, I could see him, sitting in the stands. He looked up and saw me, he began to walk down so I stayed standing where I was,

"I didn't think you'd come"

"well I said I would, now what you do you wanna talk about?" I wanted this to be over as quickly as possible,

"I want to talk about us" he stuttered, seeming nervous, Luke nervous?

"be more specific, I don't want to be here long" I hated how I was acting with him, but he hurt me and I'm not ready to forgive him,

"why are you being like this, what happened to you?"

"you wanna know, you want to know what happened to me?" he nodded his head but he didn't seem sure, "you, you happened to me and I'm being like this because I don't know how else to be" I had to be honest with him, it's only way he'll understand, "now, tell me why you want to talk about us?"

"First of all I'm sorry, for everything and second of all I want to explain everything to you, about why I ignored you why I was seeing April and basically, if you do let me explain and you understand why I did all those things, I'm going to ask you to forgive me" I stood there for a moment, I needed to think about this, am I willing to forgive Luke if he explains? He never actually told me what happened, I never gave him the chance but it was never something I wanted to know, Luke had already caused me so heart break I don't know if I could take another chance on him. But there's only way I could find out.

"okay, but I want the absolute and honest truth, no leaving little bits out I want to know everything but I can't promise I'll forgive you"

"can we do it somewhere else? like maybe your house, the school field isn't exactly the place to be talking about this" we both laughed but I understand, he's the one who suggested the field?
I agreed that he could explain everything at my house, my parents would be out for a while anyway. We got in his car and he began to drive to my house, if only I knew what was to come.

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