Chapter 14

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I didn't say a word to Luke when we got inside, I stood in the doorway of the bathroom while he washed his face. I didn't know what to say. Calum has just told me he was with April before he came here but how can I be sure he was? How can I believe Calum? How come Calum knew where he was?

"Luke?" If anyone can tell me, it's Luke

"yeah?" he turns to face me and he doesn't look too bad

"was Calum right?" he mustn't have heard him "about you being with April before you got here?"

"yeah, he was" he seems pretty angry that Calum told me

"why? why were you with her? I thought you only wanted to be friends with her?"

"I do only want to be friends with her but I had to clear up some stuff with her and she came to the cafe after you left so I spoke to her"

"oh okay" what else am I supposed to say? He doesn't seem like he's going to tell me much else

"I don't see the problem with me speaking to April, it's not like we're boyfriend and girlfriend Lexie" why is he being like this?

"I know we're not, it's just"

"It's just what?"

"It's just Calum made it out to be something more than just clearing up some stuff, like something was going on between you two"

"Oh so you believe everything Calum tells you" what?!

"no I don't, why would you even say that?!" now I'm getting angry

"because as soon as I do or say something Calum says something and you believe him, is it because you don't wanna try us out? Because if it is that's fine, but I'd rather you tell me"

"I do wanna try us out but what Calum told me was right and if Calum hadn't of told me you were with April, would you?" I really do want to be with Luke but if he's going to lie, I don't think I can

"yes, I was going to but not like this, it's why I came over, to sort us out"


"yes really, I like you Lexie, I like you a lot and I came over to see if you'd like to go out with me tomorrow night?" so that's why he turned up on my front door, right before Calum attacked him

"you do" I can't help but smile as Luke walk towards me and my anger towards him as gone, I've completely forgotten why I was angry with him in the first place

"I do" now where face to face and Luke's piercing blue eyes are staring into mine, then before I know it, before I can tell Luke that I like him too, his lips are pressed against mine.

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