Chapter 22

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"I'm not staying long okay?" I nod my head at him, he seems very agitated and it's uncomfortable.

"are you going to tell me why your trying to keep your 'distance'?" I try to sound stern

"I don't think I should, I don't want to upset you"

"upset me? just tell me Calum, I won't let you leave until you do" what could possibly upset me?

"fine, I'll tell you" he lets out a big sigh and begins to continue "after me and Luke had that fight, he came to see me and I was going to apologise to him, because I thought he was going to but, he didn't" I nod at him to carry on and he does "he came to tell me to leave you alone but I told him I couldn't do that but he said I better, I just don't want you to get in any trouble Lexie and I don't think Luke is right for you"
I can't believe he is telling me this

"you don't think Luke is right for me?" he nods "and how are you to know what is best for me? Don't think I should decide that? Don't think I know what's best for me?!"

"Look Lex, Luke is all sweet and nice in the beginning but he'll do something to mess it up, he always does and he always hurts the girl and I don't want that happening to you"

"ahh I get it, you don't want me with Luke so you can have me, that's it isn't it?" he looks down at the floor and gives it all away "you think you can come here and tell me why Luke is so bad for me and why you're better, well you're plan didn't work" I'm looking at Calum but whatever I felt before isn't there, because all I feel now is hate, he tried to manipulate me into thinking Luke was 'trouble', I knew Luke weren't the perfect the guy but that didn't bother me because I liked him despite all he's done

"It's not like that Lex, I just think you should have all the facts before you make a decision"

"a decision?"

"yeah, a decision between me and Luke, you need to decide Lex, is it me or Luke? because if it's me, I need to know so I can start planning dates
because if you were mine I would take you out all the time and I would never stop telling you how perfect you are, because to me you are, I would want to spend all my time with you and spend everything I had on you and nothing will change that" he chuckles but then his face drops "but, if it's not me, I need to know too, so I know to leave you alone, because I know that's what you'll want and that's okay too"
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding to answer him,

"that sounds perfect Cal, and it's probably want every girl wants to hear but that's not me, I don't want perfect, I don't want a relationship where we do the same thing over an over again, I want adventure, something different and Luke" I pause, to prepare myself for what I'm about to say "I don't want settle Cal, and if I settled, I would regret it because it's not what I want" I said this as softly as I could because I know he's trying but it's not him I want

"but that wouldn't matter to me, I'm the better guy Lexie and you know it"

"you may by the better guy, damn you might even be the right guy but I choose Luke, I'm sorry Calum"

"If that's what you want" his voice is emotionless, like I've just broke his heart

"it's what I've always wanted"

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