Chapter 40

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"hey Lex, have you seen April?" me and Marley haven't really been the same since what happened with April but I guess were working on it, I haven't seen or spoke to April since the night I went to her house, which was about three weeks ago,

"no, why?" Marley carried on being friends with April but I couldn't, maybe one day I'll talk to her again but we will never be as we used to, she ruined that,

"well she hasn't been in school for two weeks and she won't return my calls or answer my texts, do you think I should go to her house?"

"she obvisously doesn't want you to find her" right now, i couldn't care less about April and the fact that Marley keeps asking me questions about her is annoying me,

"why wouldn't she want to be found?" damn it Marley stop asing so many questions,

"I don't know, maybe because she done a terrible thing" I said as I threw my hands into the air and walked away. If someone else mentions April to me I think I might snap.

I could see Luke walking over towards us, we have next lesson together which I'm glad for, I don't think i could handle anymore of Marley's questions.

"hey" he said as he pulled me into a hug, "you okay?"

"i guess, Marley won't stop going on about April" I say as I roll my eyes and Luke puts his arm around me as we start walking to class,

"well we don't have to worry about her anymore, all's we have to worry about is whether Mrs Banks is in or not" I couldn't help but laugh, Mrs Banks is our chemistry teacher who hate, not because of the subject but because she spits and always calls us out, plus she's boring.

I never ended up telling Luke what about happened when I went to April's house that night, just gave him the brief outline and I never told him about my dad either, he never asked and it was something I never intended for anyone to know. I just hope it stays that way, or should I tell?

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