Chapter 32

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Today was good. Today was really good, until she text me.

6 hours earlier
"so, are you ready for our 'date' later?" Luke was teasing me as we were walking home, we were having our first date again later on tonight, at the same place at the same time expect this time we won't have any interruptions and hopefully it will normal, as normal as anything can be for us.

"I'm excited if it's that you mean?" Luke raised his eyebrows at me and we turned the corner to my street, everyday since we started 'trying' again Luke has been walking with me to an from school and it's been good, we've been doing good. I felt my pocket vibrate, meaning I got a text. When I got my phone out I recognised the number instantly, I had deleted her number but she mustn't have deleted me. The text read 'we need to talk, I'll be over soon'. What could she possibly want?

"are you sure it's April?" Luke asked me, for what seemed like the 100th time in the past twenty minutes

"yes, I'm sure, I remember her number" her number was easy to remember, I remembered it because I thought I would always need, guess I was wrong

"do you know what she wants? have you been speaking to her?"

"Luke stop with all the questions please" I said it jokingly but he took it seriously, "but no, I haven't spoke to her since you kicked her out" we both laughed, it seemed so long ago since that happened, when really it was only a couple of months ago

"I'm just making sure, I don't want her ruining this for us again" he sounds worried, but I can handle April, I've known her practically all my life, I know how she works

"she won't, I promise you" he nodded his head and embraced me in a hug. We heard a knock at the door and knew she was here, Luke looked at me, gesturing for me to go answer it and I did.

There she was, I haven't seen her in two months and she hasn't changed a bit, not that I'd expect her too though.

"well are you gonna let me in?" oh, her attitude has changed, and not for the better, she pushed past me letting herself in,

"what did you come here for April?" I crossed my arms and tried to be stern but she has a look of evil in her eye and it scares me, I've never seen that look before,

"I've come to set things straight, between me, you and Luke, I know he's here so he might as well come out from wherever he's hiding" she has a smug look on her face meaning she's up to something but I'm not bringing Luke into this, this is between me and her.

"no, whatever this is we keep Luke out of it, this is between me an you April so whatever it is you have to say, just say it" she doesn't look amused and looks like she's ready to scream an shout,

"aww that's cute, protecting your little boyfriend, tell me Lex, why do you think he's so keen on you not seeing me? Do you not think its suspicious, if I were you I would think he was hiding something" I don't believe a word she says, I can't believe a word she says

"just say it April, hurry up an say it so you can leave" she laughed at me, was she mocking me?

"oh honey, you really wanna know?" I gulped and slowly nodded my head, unsure of whether I really did want to know or not, "well, you're in for a big surprise if he didn't tell you" she was making me nervous, what hasn't Luke told me? He swore he told me everything the night I went back, was he lying?

"damn it April, just say it!" I was starting to get impatient with her and she could tell, she was doing this on purpose,

"fine, you remember those three weeks after the accident and thought Luke was still sick?" I nodded my head, unsure of where this was going "well, he was perfectly fine and I know this because I was with him everyday, oh and sometimes in the night too" before I could even reply she had walked out the door and left me standing there, speechless.

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