Chapter 6

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It seemed like we had been walking for ages before we arrived at the restaurant. Calum had taken me to an unfamiliar part of town, I didn't recognise any of the shops or restaurants and he wanted it to be a surprise, so he wouldn't tell me where we were going and I just had to follow him. An then he stopped and turned to face me.

"I remember you saying the other day walking home that anything to do with chicken was your favourite type of meal" I don't know whether this is a question or a statement?

"yeah I probably said that" I can't believe he would remember something like that, I don't even remember telling him that!

"well, I'm glad it's still true because I've brought you to the best chicken restaurant I know" he hasn't...

"your taking me to Nandos?!" I'm almost shouting at him

"no" he's chuckling at my excitement, I hope "it's only a small restaurant but they serve all kinds of chicken and chicken meals so I thought it would be nice to bring you somewhere were you've probably never been"

"why?" I might not even like it here, at least at Nandos I would know what I like

"well, I thought that if you like it here and after this date you agree to go another then, this could be our place, our restaurant" that was the sweetest thing I could have ever heard and when he said 'our' I couldn't help but smile

"well, you'll have to take me inside so I can decide if I should consider a second date" I am flirting with him? If I am I think it's working because he's laughing, I just don't whether it's at me or with me

"well Miss Grey, your table awaits" and with that he slipped his hand into mine and took me to a table which he must have reserved because it had a candle lit in the centre and there also was a rose on the table, similar to the one Calum gave me back at my house. He had definitely planned this all out. He's trying to impress me on the first date with all these simple but romantic gestures and they are all working.

After a long debate on who should pay the bill, Calum finally won and got to pay the bill which I weren't happy about considering my meal was quite expensive but Calum wouldn't stop bugging me so I gave in and let him pay.

He walked me home, which is quite usual now considering we've been doing it all week after school, just like he promised too and it makes this part of the date more comfortable. We were in silence but it was comfortable, there was no need to talk. We were holding hands which startled me at first when he gestured it since it's only the first date but I actually like it.

When we got to my house, Calum let go of me to open the gate and I longed for his touch but it wasn't long before he found my hand again.

"So, was it satisfactory?" it felt like I was about to answer a questionnaire

"you done good Hood" I gave him a nodding smile and he returned the gesture, obviously pleased with himself.

"was it good enough for you to consider a second date?" I knew this was coming and I had my answer ready

"well, I have thought about" I thought I'd tease him just a little

"and......." he was patiently waiting for an answer

"and I think, that it was worthy of a second date" he's face lit up like a child on Christmas morning and it made me smile that I done that


"really, now you better go before you got twenty questions from my parents" "yeah, I'm not ready to meet your parents" is he implying that he wants to meet them one day? Is that a good sign?

"well goodnight Grey, thanks for being a wonderful date" he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before waking off down the path which left me with butterflies in my stomach

"Calum wait!" I quickly ran down the path to where he was so I could catch up with him


"you were right" he looks so confused and it's adorable

"about what?"

"about this being the best first date of my life"

and before I knew it, Calum's lips had crashed on to mine and we were having our first kiss.

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