Chapter 20

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I left Luke and went home without saying a word. I didn't know what to say so I left, I turned around and left without looking back because if I did, I would have ran straight to him and forgave him but I need time to think. This was our first date and in one night he has caused me more drama than my entire life. But I liked it, it made me feeling like I was living, that for once I weren't someone's shadow, the attention was on me. Luke's attention was on me, and I left.

I opened the front door and the lights were on, but I knew my parents weren't home? I have no brothers or sisters and Marley wouldn't leave without turning them off, she's a bit of a control freak, so that led my mind to believe that someone was in my house or was.

As I walked into the living room, I tried to keep an eye behind me incase someone crept up on me but alls I could see was a figure sitting in the chair with the lamp on, that figure was April.

"April what the hell are you doing?!" if this is some sick joke I'm going to kill her

"I just thought we should talk" she sounds so plain, I turned the light on so I could see her

"how did you get here? You were just in the parking lot with me and Luke? actually, how the hell did you get in my house?!"

"one question at a time please, I left the parking lot before you and Luke could notice me and walked here" seems practical enough, she is a fast walker but that's not the point " and I used the spare key under the matt to let myself in" I forgot about the key, I remember telling her and Marley to use it if there was ever an emergency

"okay, but why are you here?" why aren't i screaming at her? she ruined my date with Luke, she's the one who turned up so I should be, but I'm not. She gets up out the chair and starts to walk towards me, she doesn't look herself? "April are you okay?" she nodded "are you sure because you don't look it?"

"I'm fine, we really need to talk about Luke, now let's get started" I don't have a clue what's happening?

"April, what are you going on about? Why do we need to talk about Luke?"

"He text me Lex, said that you were boring him and that he wanted to meet up, he told me to ring him and then he'd meet me outside" what?

"so you did?"

"of course I did, I wanted to call him out, make a show of him but you got there before I could, so he obviously made up some lie for you to believe him and did you?"

"I wouldn't say he lied to me, he seemed like he was telling the truth, I don't think he'd lie to me, not like that anyway"

"so you believe him? whatever he told you, you believe?" the more April went on about Luke lying it made me believe more that he wasn't,

"yes, I believe him"

"you naive, stupid little girl, you don't know what's going to happen if you believe him and I can tell you now it won't be good" she starts getting closer and closer to me and before I know it, she's got me up against a wall with no escape "not as long as I've got anything to do with it"

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME" I pushed her with everything I had but she just bounced back



she left out a big groan and pushed me, then before I could push her back, I was on the floor, she punched me.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! I TOLD YOU I LIKED HIM AND YOU STILL WENT OUT WITH HIM!" she jumped on top of me and carried on punching me, I punched her back and got back on my feet


she's laughing, why is she laughing?

"you think" what's with the laughing? "you think he actually likes you? Oh come on Lexie, he's gonna date you for like a week and get bored of you because you're boring, there's not an ounce of fun in you and he won't be able to stand it, he needs someone like me who can be fun and actually go out with him not sit in on a Saturday and films"

"I think you need to leave, before I throw you out"

"Oh so you're threatening me? and what if I don't? are you gonna call Luke to come and rescue you because let me tell you something, he wont"

"actually he will" my whole body swung around and there he was, Luke was standing in the door way and I have never been more happy to see him "and you need to leave before I throw you out and I won't be as nice about it" April look mortified, her mouth was wide open, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Luke gave me a little wink and from then on I knew everything was going to be okay.

Luke got April out, after about 15 minutes of arguing but he did and I couldn't have thanked him enough. He stayed and helped me clean up the mess in the living room, it wasn't much though.

"are you okay? you lip looks pretty swollen and your eye looks swore?"

"yeah I'm fine, nothing a bit of ice and make up won't fix" I'll sort it out in the morning, I'm too tired now

"you don't none of that"

"what do you mean I don't need none of that? I need ice to help the swelling go down and the make up to cover it up from my parents" I couldn't help but laugh

"okay I know you need it now but for future reference, you don't need to wear the make up" now he was looking at me " you're beautiful without it and I mean it, you don't need to hide yourself from the world, you have a beautiful face, a beautiful personality, a beautiful body, you're perfect Lexie" who knew he was so romantic

"no ones perfect Luke, especially me, I'm far from it"

"but you're perfect to me, that's all that matters" as soon as those words left his mouth, I couldn't stop myself any longer, I had to kiss him, and I did.

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