extended summary

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extended summary

" have you been smokin that wacky tobaccy "

" have you been smokin that wacky tobaccy "

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IT USED TO BE NOAH WEST'S DREAM, to grow up happy, and have a few babies.

But that is exactly what it was, a dream.

She held onto that dream when her mom died. She gripped it even tighter when her dad and brother drunkenly abused her. She yanked that dream down the sidewalk when she ran away from her shattered, broken home. There wasn't a specific reason for her to not believe in the dream anymore, she believed that her dream had given up on her: when she went and killed her foster parents when they gripped her in just the wrong place, even in a murderous rage, she held onto the idea of one day having a happy life.

Then she was hooded and dragged for 5 blocks in the dirty streets of San Francisco, and forced into some deadly cult— or in Master Lin's words Kings Dominion, the School for Deadly Arts.

She realized just how ignited the fire was inside of her, and lost her grip on the dream to only grip her revenge tighter.

A few days after her 16th birthday however, one year since she had adapted to the deadly students that walked these halls, Master Lin gives her and four of her peers an assignment, an assignment to bring in a new rat— a nickname she and others possessed, being the first in their family to attend the school.

What she wasn't expecting was a scar-faced, black-haired boy who she just can't seem to get out of her head— especially when she talked him out of committing suicide just hours before.

Full of vengeance and rage, she packs her dream into the back of her mind and finds herself facing death on more than one occasion, and Noah West was counting down the days with the help of a sassy, loud-mouthed kid who was trying his damndest to get her to notice him.


'SWEET VICIOUS' will contain:
death, multiple deaths, blood&gore, explicit language&phrases, angst, underage drinking&drug use, mentions&scenes of sexual content, scenes of assault&violence, slut shaming, bullying&other triggering mentions.



all rights to @sadlytalk . author only own's Noah West, her plot line, and script.
the author does not own 'Deadly Class' or some of its script, plot, or any characters. the copy or translation of this story is prohibited and will result in a block and/or report.


cover inspired by: @prettysoula_


A/N— For those who are confused... yes, I did change things up a little. When I got the idea for this fan fic I had literally, only watched 1x01, and instantly fell in love with Marcus.

I quickly put up a few chapters to *hopefully not forget the idea— and I hated it.

So I rewrote everything and I'm really digging it.
I'm working my damndest to write these characters correctly, solely based on the show not the graphic novel! These chapters will be unedited, and once I get a good flow going I'll come back and edit them later.

Sorry that there isn't much, but I don't want to give the whole story away in the summary. I wanted to set up her backstory before she meets Marcus— which won't happen for a chapter or two.

That's kinda all I've got for ya? Thank you guys for reading this, I hope you all like it. Please don't forget to vote and comment <3

edited: march 28, 2020

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