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When the two exited the bathroom they held smiles, Marcus for finally telling someone about what he had been feeling, and Noah was just glad that she was someone he could talk to.

He opened the door for her, letting the short girl walk through- the teen realizing just how short she was compared to him. Her nose just barely hit his collar bone, and it was amusing to watch her walk through a crowd.

When they turned the corner to walk to the cafeteria, deciding it would be a better idea to stay away from Lex for a while, Noah smacked right into another body, sending of their shit to the ground.

"Shit, I'm sorry-" her gaze locked onto Maria, the body she smacked into, and the nasty bruise she supported on her right eye.

Marcus help Noah stand up, holding onto her bag that fell to the ground, "Jesus, Maria..." The latina shook her head with tears, "It's-it's nothing Noah."

"Nothing?" She gasped, "Maria, he's fucking beating you!" The brunette reached forward to hold onto her face, but she jumped back, sending both she and Marcus a look that screamed danger, "He said he was going to do a lot worse..." she paused to shoot Marcus, "... to both of you."

The teens looked at each other while Maria continued, "So just forget about it, alright?"

Instead of forgetting about the threat Marcus kept his gaze locked onto Noah, who was shaking her own gaze down towards their feet, "Son of a bitch-"

"Marcus, seriously!" Maria pleaded, "Just, leave it alone."

The Arguello teen looked at Maria's eye. Then he looked down at Noah who was looking across at Maria, but jumped when Marcus moved from her right side to the left, running his rough thumb across the bandaid she had been supporting since the events this morning.

His face shifted from one of pity to anger, shoving past Maria, Noah's face turning into shock when she realized where he was stalking to, "Marcus, no!" She ran her fingers along Maria's arm as she ran past her, a little message saying that she was taking in the information the latina had dropped on them.

"Seriously, Marcus, stop!" She pleaded, trying to keep up with him, but her shot legs with her short strides weren't enough to keep up with his quicker pace, his own long legs giving him an advantage above hers.

The walked towards the main doors of the school that opened up to the courtyard behind the meat shop. Marcus threw open the door, paying no attention to Noah, who nearly got slammed in the face when he nearly ripped it off its hinges.

The courtyard was filled with students from the cartel, playing a game involving dice, all surrounding the people-made circle, as they all watched on the game Chico was playing with a smile on his face.

With Marcus advancing quickly, she couldn't focus on the conversations around her as he dropped his backpack behind him, "Hey!"

Chico looked up at the same time Marcus thrusted his fist towards his tattooed face, and Chico's gaze was thrown towards the ground.

As Marcus stumbled from the force of the punch, everyone backed up from the growing fight. Noah dropped their shit to the ground as she launched herself towards the boys, but two pairs of arms shot out around her, one holding her arms at her sides, the other holding her waist tightly, "Marcus!"

One of Chico's friends locked Marcus into a headlock, the boy struggling against his grip, watching on as Noah squirmed in their grip, his eyes widening at her position.

Chico himself rose up from his position on the floor, his nose supporting a good portion of blood as he laughed, running his fingers along his blood coated upper lip, "Good on you. Taking the initiative."

His friend shoved Marcus forward, thorwing an instant punch the same time Chico ducked to the gorund.

He stumbled while the crowd parted to give them room, except Noah and the two that held her back, "Stop! Guys, stop!" She tried to jump out of their grip, but it was easier to take on one versus the two that held her back.

Chico rose his middle fingers, a full visual for Marcus, "What's up?"

The cartel members around them egged on the fight, "Come on, Chico, fuck him up!"

Once again Marcus threw a punch his way, Chico leaned back until Marcus stopped his advance, holding onto his arm that held onto Chico.

With a yell he knocked his head against Marcus' nose, his vision falling back behind him, where Noah was pleading for him to stop.

His gaze fell forwards into Chico's knee, the pair walking backward towards the stone wall. "Let me go you fuckwads!" Noah screamed as a third guy held onto her hair, pulling up- erupting in a stinging pain in her entire scalp.

Her scream distracted Marcus, the boy looking at her struggling form as the two held her down, the third still yanking on her hair with one hand, the other sending a punch to her abdomen.

The distraction gave enough time for Chico to throw him to the ground. He pulled out his knife and slapped his grip onto Marcus' uniform, pulling him up and shoving him against the stone wall, knife pressed against the same cheek that he had carved Noah earlier.

"Say Chico's the man and your his bitch." He snarled, looking at his opponents eyes.

Chico looked over at Noah, whose eyes filled were with reflux tears. He nodded to his friends, the third one who held onto her hair let it go. She sighed in relief, until he sent a strong punch right into ribs, a shriek fell from her lips.

Marcus tried to launch himself in her direction, but Chico shoved him, "Say it!"

"You're just a dickless rich kid in a prep school, playing the role Daddy assigned." He spat, "You got something to lose. I don't. I fought a guy who carves people up for fun."

Noah's mind filled with images on the guy, after watching Marcus she grew to know the guy well. The guys who were beating her suddenly stopped.

He smiled, "You're just a poser."

Chico's attitude was rattled, and could only be showed when he shifted on his feet before he slammed Marcus once again into the wall, "You really think they'll kick me out for gutting a Rat?"

Marcus' smirk was scary to Noah, seeing the crazed and angered look in his eyes as he gripped the knife over Chicos and brought it to his neck, "Go on then. Show 'em, come on."

When Chico hesitated Marcus screamed, "Do it!"

Suddenly a booming voice echoed across the courtyard, "-Enough."

Master Lin stood at the top porch of the building, glaring down at the pair, and the three holding Noah in her locked hold. Chico released Marcus, fixing his jacket, "Good. You're learning."

The three shoved Noah to the ground, her hands catching her before she face planted into the dirt, her stomach already sore, "Just a friendly spar with my new amigo's."

He slapped Marcus' face in good (but fake) fun, "Get some rest, Marcus-" but he leaned close, "We'll finish this later." Chico let out a wad of spit onto Marcus' shoes, "Vamanos!"

When the group retreated back in for classes, Marcus ran over to Noah, helping her up off the ground. Usually she wouldn't be this weak, but being held down by three guys while they punched and pulled was kinda hard to not grow weak.

"Fuck this place!" He shouted, gripping Noah tightly as they stumbled to the door, Marcus swinging their bags over his shoulder as Master Lin watched the two, blood covered teens hobble to the door, grilling each other like the us never see each other again.


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