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The vibration of music from the stereo's playing just a few feet behind them rumbled in the brunette's ears. The music made the assignment a little hard to focus on, that, and everyone around her had a skull painted on their faces.

"This is taking forever," Noah sighed with her eyes rolling over to Maria, who was dancing in front of the float for the final night of Dia de Los Muertos, "I mean seriously, why are we hunting down this kid anyways?"

Maria looked over at her, her face painted as a skull with the eyes surrounded by flower petals, making Noah look at her with a raised eyebrow. The venezuelan latina gave her pristine facial structure, "Because," her accent instantly sucking all the attention onto her, "-Master Lin wants him enrolled, you wouldn't fail one of his assignments, would you?"

Her mood dampened, knowing that she right, she'd rather die than fail an assignment given to her by Master Lin, "Still, why is it taking so long-" just as she spoke she saw a tall (well everyone was tall to her, except Saya who was an inch taller) knock into various people as he ran.

The boy, Marcus Lopez Arguello, was a tall but thin teen- due to living on the street recently with his only food coming from the trash. His face covered in a build up of dirt and sweat, that had matted down his curly, black hair, sticking onto the top of his forehead. She watched his eyes carefully as the carmel eyes landed on Maria and herself.

"That's my que," she sang, clasping a hand on Maria's shoulder, "-take care of the police, and send him my way," she pointed to Willie who sneered, "...why are you talking to me?"

Her smirk grew looking at him, "Don't be so sassy." She took the toothpick out of his mouth, his lips falling slack, as she brought the pick to her lips, rotating it around so the dry side was in her mouth, and shot a finger gun at him.

All she earned was a poorly hidden smile, as she walked backwards towards the alleyway where Saya was waiting, high fiving Billy as he rode towards the other two who were trying to get Marcus to roll with them.

The two watched from afar as Marcus with his hood pulled up, gawking at Maria who spun and twirled. Hell, even Noah was gawking at how the latina spun with colored smoked, sparks flying from her smoke bombs.

"You ready?" Saya asked loading up on her bike, looking at Eden expectedly, who was smiling devilishly, "You gotta ask?"

Usually an assignment like this the teens would be fighting towards the new enrollment, but this time, with the world seemingly watching them closely; working (somewhat) together- and the plan was fairly simple:

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