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The group walked at a medium pace around the corner of the library doors, looking out for the various monks that were no doubt waiting for said teens to escape the confinement that was detention. "So he is cop, man? Or cop, robot?"

All the teens rolled their eyes at Viktor, trying to understand the character Robocop. Noah smirked when Chico ran his shaved head with his hands as he let out a frustrated breath, "Half and half."

"Which is robot half?"

"Vik," Noah started with a clap of his shoulder, "- his body is robot suit, his head is human."

Petra, who was leading the group objected her explanation, "It's not a suit, they replaced his body with cybernetics. The "robo" part keeps his brain alive." She finished, pointing up to her head for good measure.

Viktor shook his head, "This is very confusing film."

The short girl fell back into step in front of Marcus and Saya, where Marcus was talking about drugs- obviously a huge surprise, "So if Lin catches me smoking crack or running naked through Chinatown-"

"- we're both dead."

Marcus shot Noah a look, the girl just shrugging as they climbed up the stairs, "Yet here we are, breaking his rules."

"I have my own rules," Saya shoved her hands into her pocket, "-Bushido." When she received blank stares from both Marcus and Noah she continued, "Your honor lives in your sword, and I'm not leaving my honor in a closet... next to some hot pockets."

When the three teens, plus Jayden who was lagging behind them, made it to the top they were hushed by Chico, who looked at them as if the three each had an extra head planted on their shoulders.

From the open door the echoing of clattering dishes alerted Noah that the monks were currently sitting in said break room, Petra leaning around the corner to check if they were looking.

And one by one, Petra signalling each of the six teens behind her, they twirled around the doorway, making almost no noise at all. And once again they found themselves running through the quiet halls of Kings Dominion, Marcus pausing at the door in front of them, were Petra motioned for him to pick it.

"You skeptics don't deserve the spoils that await." Petra bluntly stated, crossing her arms as they circled around Marcus, who was picking the lock.

"But..." Petra sneered, "I'm a generous captain."

Silence filled the empty air in front of them, all awaiting Marcus to finish picking the lock with his pocket knife, and a bobby pin he had grabbed from the back of Noah's head, the little metal piece holding her stray hairs up into her bun.

A click echoed, and Marcus shoved open the door of the secret room, where the darkness was shadowed by the light that flooded in from the hallway.

Stacks of boxes, clothes, and ridiculous items were scattered around the classroom sized box that they all stood in; the first thing Noah had her eyes set on was her old walkman, one De Luca had taken away from her when she sat out of Combat.

"No, shit!" She smiled, running forward to grasp the old machine, her money now no longer going towards a new one. Everyone followed her closely as Marcus shut the door, closing the noise that would flow out into the hall.

They all quickly found themselves drawn to the various items: Petra found the booze, Chico found a bow, Marcus found a large sword as Viktor held up a handful of explosives, "There are explosives up here," He smiled, "- let's blow shit up."

Petra stood at the wall of the room, playing the guitar with a bottle of wine, as Saya let out a sigh when Noah and Marcus walked up behind her, "It's not here."

"Where else could it be?" Marcus asked, standing directly behind Noah as her eyes searched around the various items, Saya's assumption correct about her katana not being here. "I don't know, if I wasn't Marcus' frickin' pledge I wouldn't be in this mess right now."

The girl stalked away, leaving Noah and Marcus by themselves in the little section of the room. "What's on there?" He asked, leaning against the same shelf as the girl next to him, pointing to the walkman in her hand.

"Oh uh," she blushed while looking down at the object in her hand, "- you're gonna laugh."

Marcus let a smile crawl onto his face, "Try me."

Rather than just letting the boy hear her answer, she decided to have him listen to the tape itself. She took her hands and placed the headphones over his head, her fingers softly dancing down his face that made the boy freeze.

When she clicked play, his embarrassed face grew into a sly grin, "Red Hot Chili Peppers? Are you for real?"

"I told you, you'd laugh!" She said with rosy cheeks, "My mom and I listened to them before she-"

The girl led off, as the bright smile slowly faded away from her clear features, Marcus immediately missing her smile. He bumped his shoulder into her's with his own little smirk, "Hey, don't get worked up over it... Reagan will get his."

She smiled as Marcus stood up, stalking over to Chico who was messing around with the helmet, chest piece, and staff with a bump pad on the end, the Arguello son talking about doing a little spar with the hispanic in front of him.


(I'M SO SORRY THAT THIS IS SHORT. I've been packing for this little vacation that I'm going on, and I haven't had the time to go back and watch the episode again, and again to make sure everything I write is well, right?

When I get back I'll update twice that next week, and maybe I'll get all caught up on the series XD).

See you in a week loves <3

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