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Billy, Noah, and Marcus busted through the doorway of the rooftop, the instant smell of cigarettes filled Noah's nose. She let out a blissful sigh, "And this, Marcus Arguello," she said with a roll of her tongue, Marcos instant shifting his legs at the action, "-is the Graveyard."

"Hideaway of the kooks, subculture elitists, and the disenfranchised substance of losers." Billy smiled in awe at the place, "Those who in general don't mix well with others."

The three of them walked, Marcus twirling around to look at the skyline of San Francisco.

"Cool, huh?" The teen smiled with a nod, looking at her with a smile, while they walked over towards two more of their friend group, Petra, a gothic beauty, and Lex, the annoying insulter.

"It's a simple solution, okay?" They listened in on the two's conversation, Petra holding out a lit cigarette to Noah, who took it with a grin.

She let out a sigh, sitting on a crate next to Marcus, the girl taking a drag from the white stick, passing it towards the boy who looked at her in amusement, not lining her as one who smoked, but took the cigarette with the tips of his fingers, brushing hers slightly.

"You have a John Hughes screening in a theatre-shaped furnace, right? And then, light her up."

Petra let her hands expand as she voiced an explosion sound, "You know? You torch one crowd after the other until the world is safe from baby boomer innocents."

Marcus let the smoke fly out of his slightly gape mouth, passing it back to Noah who grinned at Petra, "Don't tell me everything! I'd like to sign up for your newsletter."

The girl glared playfully at her as Billy skated around them, "Petra, Lex, meet Marcus, the new Rat."

Lex took a drag from the cigarette he and Petra were sharing, pointing at Marcus with a glint of mischief in his eye, "Orphanage killer that's gotto fight Chico? Looks like a proper asshole."

Marcus' rep had quickly traveled around school. That and mixing with a first day rumble with cartel was one way for you to get your name tossed around in everyone's conversation.

And Lex was one who voiced his opinion without giving a shit if he hurt their feelings or not.

"Lex is head of the Civility Club." Noah pointed, smoke escaping through her nose and mouth, giving the already half-smoke stick back to Marcus. "Civility is just lying to people about your true feelings, wanker."

Bouncing his left foot, his knee bumping into Noah's, Marcus smirked, "Not an affliction you suffer from."

Petra and Noah let out little laughs, Billy bowing to the girls, "Oh, extra credit for making Susie Sue smile."

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