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This class was Noah's least favorite. She didn't hate the teacher, Master Lin, in fact she loved how he taught. No bullshit, you did what he expected of you and wouldn't be the target of his anger. What she hated was the people in this class: besides Marcus and herself, they shared the class with the head bitch, Brandy Lynn, and the class dickwad, Viktor.

Somehow Marcus and Noah had made it to class on time. They spent a max of 15 minutes cleaning their uniforms, covered in soda or blood, and Noah spent a couple minutes band aiding her face, a little blood still left.

"World War I started with a teenager with a pistol. A Serbian peasant who chose to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Set in motion the chain reaction culminating in two world wars and today's Cold War." Master Lin's voice boomed over the irritating tick of the clock at the back of the class, everyone seeming to focus on that rather than his lesson.

"Character is revealed through choice. Consider for a moment." He continued, walking down the aisle. Noah sat in front of Marcus, who sat next to Brandy.

Her pencil rolled off her desk and onto the floor with a small cling. She quickly bent down to pick it up, seeing Brady throw a note onto Marcus's book.

The boy looked at her suspiciously, the girl just licking her lips, waiting for him to open it. Noah rolled her eyes at her behavior, obviously just toying with the poor new enrollment. Before she could turn around to shake her head at Marcus, he was reaching for the note, when a cane nearly slammed into his fingers.

Marcus held his fingers close to his chest as Master Lin held the tip of the cane over the note. He remained silent as Marcus gaped his mouth, trying to form a sentence after the shocking movement.

"I'm sorry sir, I was just-" He begin to stutter, and was quickly cut off when Master Lin, who was still facing the back of the class, rotated the cane and whipped the tip of it right into Brandy's nose, blood spurting out onto her fingers.

"Jesus!" Marcus cursed, the rest of the class letting out breathy laughs at his reaction, even Noah allowed a smile to grace her lips at the Nazi-praying bitch seated to her right.

A small whimper brushed past Brandy's lips as she brought her hands down off of her face, a small tear falling down her cheek. Tears of reflux filled her eyes, but the girl no longer looked shocked or hurt.

She turned over to Marcus with a playful smile tugging onto her face. "Who would be the recipient of your rage: a thief, a child molester, a world leader? This one decision betrays all secrets and unveils true motive."

Master Lin continued the lesson, not paying any mind to the shocked Marcus or the injured Brandy, who was toying with Marcus. The room stayed quiet as they fell back into the lesson, but Brandy focused on Marcus.

Noah stayed looking back at the girl as she gravitated her finger towards her mouth, seductively looking at Marcus. With her two fingers she smeared the blood that had fallen out of her nose. When she finished she slowly brought the finger in between her lips, licking the blood off of said finger.

"Ask yourself. On that dark ledge, poised to strike with clean opportunity. Who would you kill?"

Noah and Marcus looked horrified, and disgusted at the girl as she turned back to her book, Marcus sending Noah questioning looks as she turned back around. "Your homework tonight, half your semester grade, will tell me who you really are."

Noah hated these assignments. She wasn't ready to kill someone- sure she had killed her foster parents, but out of self defense, not to use her emotionless training to stab, shoot, or slit someones throat.

"Use your training. Search the city for a worthy target. Someone you think deserves to die, and kill them."

Her father, and her uncle. They deserved to die, more than anyone in this shitty world. The bell rang shrilley, and Master Lin quickly finished the lesson as his student packed up their belongings "Discard the body, hide all evidence. Bring me proof."

"You may work with another, if you please.... Discard the body, hide the evidence, bring me proof!" He repeated, dismissing the students who quickly exited the crazed classroom.

Noah gathered her belongings, rotating in her desk to look at Marcus, who peered down at the note in annoyance, "What's the note say?" Without a word he tossed her the paper that had been unfolded, the girl catching it with ease.

She eyed the note with a roll of her eyes, the sentence, "your dead, mutt" in Brandy's handwriting making her sigh, mostly at the multiple swastikas written in red scattered around the lined page.

"Just an empty threat," Noah said passing him the note back, "-Brandy's to much of a wimp to actually do something to you."

"I shouldn't worry?" He asked with shock all over his voice. Noah stood up with a smile, "No, you should worry," she paused to laugh at his reaction, "... just don't worry about her."

The classroom was empty, except Master Lin, Noah and Marcus, and Willie who slowly walked by, "This homework shouldn't be problem for a killer like you two." Marcus peered up at Noah, but the girl glared at Willie.

Marcus finally gathered his things, quickly following after Noah who held her books close to her chest, Willie's words ringing in her mind that sent her into a paranoia of her foster parents, constantly in the back of her brain at the worst times.

"You know who your going to pick?" She asked, but he looked at her blankly, "For the assignment?" She asked. Marcus let out a slow breath, "Yeah, yeah I have someone in mind."

She dropped whatever smile she had and slowed, "Someone who deserves it?"

"Fuck yeah." Marcus said looking at the ground, but his gaze rose to look down at her to his left, the girl nodding slowly. His voice didn't tremble, and it surely didn't falter when the venom dripped from his deep voice.

And that scared her.


(sorry these chapters are short, but I like having them spread out. It makes the book a little longer and it brings more details into the scene versus a 4k chapter that is a bitch to read through. Please don't forget to vote and comment <3 )

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