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"Where are you going?" Noah demanded when they entered the school, Marcus taking Noah into her room. After he dropped her onto the bed he turned around and ripped the door open, and just as he went to leave, her voice stopped him.

He slammed the door shut and looked at anywhere but her, "Seriously, Marcus," she paused eyes travelling around his scratched and bruised face, "... where are you gonna go?"

"I don't know!" He screamed, pacing around her room as she watched from the comfort of her bed, but being on the edge of her seat, unaware of what he was going to do or where to go, it felt like a lump, stiff mattress.

He sighed, running his hands over his hair repeatedly, "Why."

"Why what?"

"Why did you ask me to stay here," he snarled, "-if you knew I was gonna get my ass kicked at the drop of a hat, why did you ask me to stay here!"

She opened her mouth to give him an excuse, but she couldn't form any words. He stared at her with wide eyes, waiting for a response. Noah shrugged, "I-I felt like you needed us." He scoffed, "I don't need anyone."

"Oh, really?" She scoffed, "Alright, where were you sleeping two days ago, huh?"

His mouth fell into a thin line as she screamed, "Right... Under a fucking bridge, avoiding confrontation from a guy who stole all your shit!" The teens gaze snapped towards her, not recalling anytime she told her about Rory, "You've been watching me since then?"

"Yeah, Marcus," she stood up to cross her arms over her sore stomach, "- we've been watching you for a while... I've been watching you for a while."

He stepped close to her, so fast than her knees nearly buckled to the ground when she tried to take a step back, but ended up bumping into the mattress, "And you didn't think to talk to me earlier? Help me earlier?"

"Master Lin said-"

"Oh please," he sighed, "... stop talking about him all the time, the dude has a 12-inch stick up his ass."

Hearing the insult she stepped close to him, their chests pressed tightly together, the girl having to look directly upwards, "Don't talk about Master Lin to me like that, ever."

The two fell into silence, chests pressed together enough that the other could feel their heartbeat fall into the same beat at the others, breaths in sync. Marcus shook his head, before leaning down in a whisper, "I don't need this shit."

Taking one last look at her he spun on his heel, yanking open the door to walk through, making sure to slam it hard enough for her walls to rattle. "Fuck!" She screamed, jumping onto her bed and shoved her face into the pink-cased pillow.

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