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After the ordeal in Poison Lab, Noah wasn't down to eat at lunch. But Marcus was starving, and so the two decide to pay a visit to the cafeteria, where everyone was already looking at the both of them entering the lunch room.

The noise of the room quickly went still as they looked at the two 16-year-olds walked through the cafeteria.

"What're you looking at!" Noah yelled, the cafeteria sneering at her, but respectively looked away. "Damn..." Marcus cursed, looking at her with a grin.

The girl just shrugged, walking passed the people who stared and to the only open table, for the rats.

Chico made sure to gaze at them both with a sickly glare, smacking his friend on the shoulder as they went by, both glaring now.

They sat down at the table; Marcus not wanting to eat anymore and pushed his tray to the side, Noah pulling out some homework for tonight, knowing it was going to be a busy one- with her having to kill someone and all.

Marcus did the same, pulling out a notebook and his textbook, before the two fell into their own silence of note taking and problem solving.

Every once in a while the two caught the other looking up at them from their downcasted heads. First Marcus was caught when she felt his gaze settle on her. He watched her left hand fly across the page as she wrote furiously.

But immediately went back down to his pages when her eyes snapped up to meet his, a blush covering his cheeks.

Noah looked next; watching his slow writing, watching his stern face relax, finally having a moment to just sit and not be bothered by anyone. His lips pulled into a one-sided smile, just a tiny one, when his face leaned up, "Can I help you?"

Knowing that he was fucking with her she shrugged, "Nothing, hero."

Shaking his head at the nickname she game him his smile opened to argue, but the slamming of Billy Bennetts feet interrupted him, his smile falling at the moment being ruined.

The green-haired teen jumping onto the table, before falling down next to Noah, his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

"I think Chico's got a crush on you," he pointed to Marcus whose stern face returned at Billy's action, turing to see Chico looking at their table, his lips pursed into a kiss with a nod of his head.

"-or he wants to kill us." Noah finished for him, putting her school things away, knowing full-well that Billy was going to take up the rest of their lunch .

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