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For the third time that night Noah was sitting by Marcus, and had given up drinking after Marcus had yelled at Willie, obviously needing to sober up to babysit the Arguello teen. She watched as he drowned himself in multiple cups, not wanting to make him stop- he was going through some shit, and talking it out didn't seem like his fortey.

After multiple cups on unknown alcohol she found him sitting on the ground, staring blank ahead- making eye contact with her, but he wasn't really with her.

"Alright, alright, alright..." The two heard from the opposite side of the room, Brandy finally ready to cause some trouble. She smirked as she looked around the table, "Why do Mexicans make refried beans, y'all?"

Noah tensed, knowing full well that Marcus' father worked his ass off to move his family here. And that whatever was going to come out of her mouth was definitely going to fuck him up.

His gaze turned from blank to serious, slowly lifting his head up from his spot on the ground.

"You ever hear of a Mexican doing something right the first time?"

The table laughed, but Marcus sprung up from his position on the floor, stalking towards the table of Legacy's. Noah rushed herself forward after Marcus, muttering calm things at him, until she shouted.

"Hey Brandy," getting her attention, and then proceeded to launch his drink into her face, "- you bigoted piece of shit!"

She stood up boldly with her voice pitched high, "You Menudo looking shit head!" She went after Marcus, but Noah was quick to wrap her arms around the boy, yanking him towards the side as she spat at Brandy, "He's drunk! I'll deal with him!"

He spun himself around and out of her grasp as they rounded the corner, but she kept an arm around his shoulders, "You've been trying to get your drunk ass kicked all night!" She stopped him in the hallway with her voice lowering, "I get whats going on Marcus, I really fucking do."

"Willie?" She asked when she was met with silence, "The assignment-"

Marcus shook his head fiercely, "No- not on me-" he waved her off, walking forward and away from her. But she wasn't putting up with any of his drunk attitude, "He did it."

"Then why are YOU the only one dealing with it!" She screamed, but he was just going to ignore her, walking off towards the living room with another can of beer already in his hand.

Noah brought her hands up to her scalp scratching at it furiously, ignoring the fire in her chest from Marcus making her angry and frustrated, all because of his drunk attitude. She was starting to get a headache from a mixture of the anger, and the alcohol she consumed herself, not nearly as much as Marcus though.

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