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"So I found this haggard-ass homeless lady who told me about this dude. Full hardcore." Willie started from the front of the classroom, buttoning his blazer with his signature toothpick in the right side of his mouth.

Noah sat on the left of Marcus, the boy biting his nails with a pencil swirling between his fingers. "He was collecting memorabilia, like we learned about in class." Willie continued, looking towards Master Lin with his sly smile.

He continued as the rest of the class was on the edge of their seat, but Noah was leaned back, eyes heavily set on Willie, wondering how the hell this pacifist-asshole managed to do this, and all by himself.

"So I waited for him, crept up on him. This dude, he was about to stab me with a screwdriver."

Once again Noah looked to her right, seeing Marcus looking at the wall behind Master Lin with a large gulp, before his eyes shot back down to his desk, "And I found this pipe. I crushed that fool's head in."

Master Lin's gaze was suddenly set on Marcus, who was holding his thumb up to his lips, as if he was trying to keep his breakfast down, "Dumpstered the body. Set it on fire and got out of there."

Immediately Noah knew that he didn't do this on his own, giving the FWW leader a gaze of suspicion; there was no way that Willie, the pacifist, lifted a grown dead man (with dead wait for days) into a tall dumpster.

When Willie sat back down in his seat, Master Lin sauntered to his place at the front of the class, his cane echoing in the dead-silent room. He looked at the class with a pointed gaze as he started to speak, "70% of soldiers don't pull the trigger in battle, no matter the stakes."

"The weak always choke in the face of killing. With fear of expulsion, all your hopes and dreams, all your family's expectations, only one of you could do it, so we'll have a new test," he paused to slam his cane into the table in front of Saya, no one jumping at the sound.

He looked down at Saya, "...a final chance to prove your worth. Survive and you earn a place here. Fail and you die." Everyone's eyes fell forward in realization, Noah letting out a shaky breath that Marcus looked over at.

"The weak do not belong in my school. Go. Get out of my sight." Noah quickly packed her things, looking at Marcus, practically saying, 'we're not leaving just yet'.

As they exited with Willie behind them, Master Lin called him back, "Willie, stay." The boy made eye contact with the two teens as they slowly walked by, Marcus and Willie having a serious conversation with their eyes.

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