thirty one

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(I listened to 'Addicted' by Saving Abel during the first half of the chapter, and 'Stay' by Black Stone Cherry for the second half! If your into listening to music while reading! I do have both added to the spotify playlist

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(I listened to 'Addicted' by Saving Abel during the first half of the chapter, and 'Stay' by Black Stone Cherry for the second half! If your into listening to music while reading! I do have both added to the spotify playlist.)

Despite the horrible, but not entirely encounter with Marcus, Noah still found herself dressed in her mother's jean jacket, walking up to the Astoria theater, where Lex, Billy, Saya, and Petra. She gulped at the excessive sound of rock music emitting from the theater, Billy laughing at the girl as she stood in front of them.

"Why so nervous, No?" Billy smiled as he tugged her closer, "Does the ole' rock and roll scare you?"

Swallowing her butterflies down she shook her head, "No, no. I'm scared of breaking a leg when the crowd pushes me around like I'm a fucking ragdoll."

The three of the four laughed at her, as Saya just looked at her, "Loosen up a little, it's not everyday you party before killing a serial killer."

Before she could respond Saya turned to Billy, "Why the show?" Billy let out a breathy choke, "I already had tickets and I was not-" he held them out in front of her, six tickets in total, "- gonna miss The Adolescence."

The five of them turned towards the doors, when they were stopped by a voice, "Hey! Wait up!"

Marcus Arguello ran up with a smile, his eyes trying to find hers but she refused to look at him after the event earlier that evening, "Have an extra ticket?" They nodded but Noah looked at him with a glare, "Maria not with you?"

He shook his head, "No, that shit's up and over the bridge." She looked at him curiously when Saya widened her eyes, "You broke up with her?"

Not even bothering to look at Saya he kept his gaze on Noah who looked just as shocked, "I've got someone else on my mind." The group rolled their eyes at his subtle attempt to make Noah smile, and she did when she finally met his eyes.

The group went towards the door, Noah slowly walked forward with her left hand out. Without a second beat of her heart her fingers were intertwined with his, the boy leaning closely to her ear as he whispered loud enough above the music, "I'm sorry... About earlier, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

She shook her head, "You don't need to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong."

"Things got, way out of hand," he smiled down at her, "... I'm new to all of this, so it'll take some trial and error-" quickly interrupting him she stood up on her toes and kissed his scar, just below his eye, and just as quickly his eyes fluttered closed.

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