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"Master Lin has a basic code of conduct," she started as they walked down the busy sidewalk, the two avoiding people as they traveled around them, "-you give up our location? We kill you."

Marcus looked at her with shock, but the girl continued to walk up towards Billy, who flattened his finished cigarette into the sidewalk concrete with a smile on his face, "Like, full on "Conan the Barbarian" style. Like, you will be eviscerated."

The three entered the meat shop with Billy walking backwards while talking to Marcus, "Lin's family's been eviscerating for years." The three passed by Willie, who turned around after grabbing a toothpick off the counter supply and join the group, "Lin don't flex, got a world-wide reputation to maintain."

"The rest of the rules are fairly simple, no disobedience, no drugs..." she led off his a smirk, "... and no sex."

They walked through the plastic flaps of the meat locker, where Saya leaned against the wall, and Maria sat at the table, reapplying her lipstick with her compact mirror in hand, "We find ways around the last one," she smiled, shooting Marcus a seductive smirk.

Noah scoffed, shoving her hand into Maria's shoulder as Marcus snuffed out laugh, "Hopefully not in here."

Billy and Noah let out a breath of amusement while Willie and Saya stayed serious, and Maria continued with her lipstick.

Silence quickly filled the room as the five of six teens waited for the next move, but Marcus shrugged, looking over towards Noah- the only one he really relied on for information, "What is this?"

As soon as the words left his mouth the door behind Saya clicked open, swinging inside to reveal on of the schools helpers dressed in a brown, long cloak, resembling a monk. "Welcome to Kings Dominion," Saya replied, motioning for Marcus to follow the adult in front of them.

When the door closed behind him the group let out a collective sigh, "Thank god," Billy laughed, "-thought the kid wouldn't come back."

"Punk-ass bitch," Willie mumbled, "... probably would've been better if he stayed underneath that rank bridge where he belongs." Noah instantly tensed up, clutching her brass knuckles in either of her jean pockets, "Wanna repeat that, Wil?"

He straightened up looking at the girl, who was a full foot shorter than himself, "I said..." he paused looking at her hands move around in her pockets, "... nevermind." He retracted, not wanting to support (another) black eye from Noah West, after just getting rid of the last one.

"That's what I fucking thought."

She smiled, following Maria and Saya out to the school, thinking that Marcus would already be with Master Lin. But when she opened the door, another helper was waiting.

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