He cheated part 2

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1 year later-
You entered tender greens and sat at a table you were scrolling through Instagram when some guy came up to and started bugging you.
Stranger- Hey cutie!  You looking fine today!
Y/N- Okay pervert you have five seconds before my fist is in your face!
Stranger- Oh come on cutie!  I can make you scream my name just follow me!
You were about to say something when someone else said something.
The pervert got up and ran out. You immediately knew who it was...
Y/N- Cole Robert Brock.
Colby- Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n
Y/N- Don't think this will make whatever you done to me a year ago will change.
Colby- I know,  I saw you and I saw the guy and I was worried okay?  I wanted to help just because you hate me doesn't mean I can't help you!  I still care about you!  I still love you!  Everyday I'm crying over the fact that I will never get to wake up next to your side get to make you laugh to the point where your peeing your pants!  I miss you but I know you don't miss me!
You were crying at this point people were staring all you did was get up and walk out of the restaurant. 
You stop in your tracks debating to either keep walking,  say something or..Fu*k it you ran up to Colby and kissed him passionately.
Y/N- You don't know how long I wanted to do that!
Colby- No one is stopping you!
You smirk and lean in again and start making out. You hear people clapping you turn around confused and embarrassed.  You look at Colby who is on one knee.  (Bet you weren't expecting that!)
Colby- Y/n I know your probably thinking what in the world are you doing.  But the week before I cheated on you I went out to buy you this ring.  When you told me that you wanted me to marry you I knew I messed up!  I don't know why I cheated I wasn't thinking right and I'm sorry!  You probably won't accept this but..  Y/n y/m/n y/l/n will you marry me?
You stood there shocked and confused just 15 minutes ago you were being yelled at for ending a relationship to now being asked to marry someone that you possibly might not trust.
Y/n- Colby if I accept this will I be able to trust you?  Will I be able to come home and not have to worry about you in bed with some slut?  Will I be able to trust you to go out with friends and not cheat?  I don't want to marry someone who I can't trust! 
Colby- Y/n you can trust me because during all the parties and times your out I'll be right by you side!  When your out shopping I'll be the one holding the bags!  When your getting your nails done I'll go out and get you Starbucks and get your favorite!  When you want to party I'll be by yours side partying with you!  I will be by your side every step of the way. CAUSE I LOVE YOU!
Y/N- Well then Cole Robert Brock I will marry you!
Everyone was screaming clapping video tapping and out of no where Sam and Brennen came out with cameras screaming your ship name all you did was smile and kiss Colby.

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