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Today Sam and Colby left for an abandoned building trip. I couldn't go cause of my job and modeling. I was laying on our bed when I heard Jake yell for me. I slowly walked down the stars to find Jake playing on the Xbox.
"Yes? You asked for me?" I said annoyed.
I sat in the love sack as he threw me a controller.
"Play with me!" He whined.
I hooked up the controller to the tv and put a headset on and began playing. After an hour or so of playing Colby was calling me, I answered it while walking out into the backyard.
"Hey princess." Colby said happily.
"Hey babes! How's the trip going?" I asked.
"Okay, I wish I was with you." He said sadly.
"Soon, what are you guys doing tonight?" I asked.
"Exploring an abandoned school." He answered.
"Oh okay have fun!" I said.
"Thanks babe, I got to go I love you!" He said back.
"I love you too baby be safe!" I replied.
"I will talk to you soon!" He said before hanging up.
I put my phone in my hoodie pocket and walked around the pool a few times. Buddy ran towards me and I kneeled down and started petting him. Aaron walked out and waved while I did the same. After a few hours of just hanging outside I looked at the time. Colby hasn't texted or called for three hours. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked upstairs to Sam's room seeing Kat going through his closet.
"Hey Kat? Has Sam called you or reached out to in the last three hours?" I asked while watching her look at his hoodies.
"No he told me he would, they probably are stuck in traffic and forgot." She reassured.
I nodded then walked out. I didn't want to jump to conclusions so I just brushed it off. I began walking down stairs to get food. I went back into the living room to see makes horrified face.
"Jake are you okay?" I asked getting kinda scared.
"Look at your phone Y/n." He said quietly.
I pulled out my phone to hundreds of notifications. I opened Instagram and all I saw was my babies and best friends mug shots. I dropped my phone and looked at Jake.
"My boyfriend and best friend is in j-jail." I said in shock.
Jake got up and hugged me, I didn't realize it but I was crying. Jake wiped the tears away and smiled.
"It's okay we can bail them out let's go upstairs to the computer." He said smiling.
I nodded and we walked upstairs. After many hours of figuring out what to do we got both of them bailed out. Sam was released but Colby had to stay the night. Sadly, since Colby just got in he couldn't call me cause one he had no money on his books, and two he probably is locked in his cell. I couldn't sleep so I stayed up all night thinking about Colby and how much I missed him. The following day my phone started ringing and it was Colby.
"Baby! Oh my god! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you dead? Are you safe? Where are you? I miss you so much! I Love you so much!" I said extremely quickly.
"Hi baby, I'm okay me and Sam are getting ready to go on our flight home. I'll explain everything when we get home. I love you so much baby girl!" He said back.
I started sobbing and I had no idea why.
"Baby don't cry, I'm okay I promise." He said reassuring.
"I know I just miss you so much." I said still sobbing.
"I miss you too baby girl, I promise when I get home I'll give you the biggest kiss ever!" He said.
"Okay." I said quietly.
"I got to go I love toy princess." He said
"I love you too!" I said back.
After about a few hours of waiting I heard the front door open and I ran so quickly down the stairs. There I saw the love of my life looking crazy in front of the door. He looked at me and smiled very widely as I did the same while crying. I ran into his arms. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck.
"I love you so much!" I said crying.
"I love you too princess." He said back.

A/n- That was cute, I'm sad my three say weekend is over I start school again tomorrow. And I have to do a project and essay for english. I want to drop out ngl. Well hope y'all are doing good and are more feeling like dropping out. Lerv yer all! 💓

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