Ride (Gone Wrong)

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Today Elton decided it would be fun to go to an amusement park. Me on the other hand I'm not the biggest fan of rollercoasters I'll go on one when I want too. But I for sure know I have to go on one today.
Me and Colby walked into the amusement park and waited for the others to come. We went into gift shops and messed around.
Y/n- Colby's if I wore this would you still date me? I asked holding up a super bushy mustache.
Colby- Yes even though I would be jealous! He huffed
I laughed hugging him waist.
Y/n- Your cute when your mad! I said
Colby- Not as cute as you! He said
I laughed we soon saw the others and made our way towards them. We all said hi. Jake Corey Elton me Sam and Colby. We are all going in pairs, Jake and Corey, Elton and Sam, me and Colby. Of course Elton picked the one scariest ride were your spinning in the air. I grabbed Colbys hand and pulled him aside.
Y/n- Babe as your girlfriend please don't make me go! You know how terrified I am of heights and going upside down! I said
He wrapped his arms around my shoulders pulling me into a hug.
Colby- I'll be protecting you! I promise nothing will happen! He said reassuring.
I was hesitant at first. But nodded and we walked in line. Of course everyone went ahead first then we went last. I was really nervous. We sat down and they strapped us in. This is were my anxiety started kicking in. Colby noticed and grabbed my hand.
Colby- It's okay baby! I got you! He said
I nodded that's when the ride started going up. The higher it went the higher my anxiety went. I was holding Colby's hand very tightly. That's when the ride went backwards. Me and Colby screaming as we flipped around. Then the unspeakable happened.
The ride completely shut off at the way top. That's when I couldn't breathe I closed my eyes. Hoping all of this was a dream.
Colby- Baby! Baby look at me! Now baby! He said
I shook my head I was to scared to do anything. Move talk even move a centimeter.
Colby- I know this is scary but you have to breathe okay? He said
I nodded. I was petrified it's night we don't have our phones. And I'm terrified of heights. I started shaking. I was cold and scared. I felt the ride start shaking. But it was only Colby scooting over. He pulled he so that his arm was around me and my head rested on his shoulder. That's when the ride started shaking. My anxiety came back once again. I shot up. Holding onto the sides.
Y/n- Colby I don't know if this ride is going to break on us and fly us out but I love you okay I love you with all my heart and this is absolutely terrifying. I said crying
Colby- Baby were going to be okay! I promise you that the ride must have broken down. We'll have to wait a little while. He said
Right at thoes word the ride began going down. I was still crying. When we got down I unbuckled myself.
Y/n- Fuck you Elton! I yelled while crying.
Colby- Dude that was messed up! She's petrified of heights! He said angry.
I walked to a near by bathroom. I walked in opening a stall and sitting down on the toilet. I had to calm down. My anxiety was sky rocking my hand were shaking so much tears wouldn't stop falling I was a disaster right now. I heard the stall door jiggle.
Y/n- someone is in here! I yelled
Colby- Babe open the door! He said
I was shocked Colby in a girls bathroom? Well I mean it has happened once but that was for different reasons😏. I opened the door to see Colby he walked in closing the door locking it then kneeling down.
Colby- Elton is really sorry. And I'm sorry I made you go on that ride. I love you. I don't like seeing you scared. Now can we please go home and cuddle? He asked
I giggled a little and nodded.
He held his hands out. I grabbed his hands and we secretly walked out of the girls restroom.
Elton- Hey Y/n I'm really sorry about what happened I didn't mean to make you that scared! He said upset.
Y/n- It's okay uncle Elton! I said laughing
We all went our seperate ways. Me and Colby went home while the rest stayed a little longer. When we got home we changed and cuddle. I will say that was a ride gone wrong, and probably will be the last ride I ride for awhile.
A/n- This is cuteee! Anyways hope everyone had a great day! Everyone is lucky this j being posted right now cause it's 3 in the morning and I'm half asleep! 😂 Love you all! 💗💗

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