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A/n- There will be graphic scene in this!

Tonight me and the gang will be going out to the fair. We are planning to leave at seven or eight.

"Hey babe, have you seen my leather jacket?" Colby asked.

"Yeah I hanged it up in the closet." I said finishing my makeup.

"God damn you look good!" He said holding onto my waist kissing my neck.

"Stop ittt!" I whined pushing him away.

"I will never stop telling you how beautiful you are!" He said kissing me again. "Are you ready?" He asked.

I nodded my head and we grabbed our belongings and walked towards Sam's apartment. We knocked on the door and Sam let us in, I walked over towards Kat and we gossiped about lately drama on Twitter. I felt an arm wrap around me and saw it was Brennen.

"Um Brennen can you like take your arm off of me." I said scooting away from him.

Kat pulled my closer to her making sure I was okay. Brennen smirked and took his arm off of me, Colby was already giving Brennen death stares. I got up and walked towards him pecking his lips.

"Okayyy! Is everyone ready to gooo?" Sam asked walking into the silent room.

"Why is it so quiet, why are all your faces look like you've seen ghost?" Sam asked.

"Let's go." I said grabbing my stuff and holding Colby's hand.

The drive to the fair was pretty awkward with no talking and really bad tensions. Once we got to the fair we all split apart with either our friends or spouses. Me and Colby ran off to go ride the rides.

"Let's ride this one!" Colby yelled pointing at a kids ride.

"Babe no." I said laughing like a manic.

We started walking around when I noticed Brennen was following us the entire time. I tried not to make it obvious but Colby noticed.

"Babes what's wrong?" He asked grabbing my hands.

"Um I'm just a little nervous about the rides." I replied.

"It's okay I'm here, I'm going to use the restroom then we can ride the rides." He said kissing my forehead.

I looked around making sure Brennen wasn't near us, thankfully he wasn't. Until he came up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Hey doll, come with me." He said trying to pull me with him.

I was trying to push him but obviously he won, I started yelling for help but since it was a weekday not many people were here. I saw Colby and yelled for him, he immediately saw me and he ran over punching Brennen straight in the nose.

A/n- If you don't like harmful scenes don't read the next part.

Brennen backed up a little then smirked at Colby.

"Your little girl toy isn't cooperation." Brennen said smirking.

I didn't realize it but I was crying, I was scared Colby was going to get hurt or worse, get put in jail.

"Please both of you stop." I said wiping away my tears.

Of course they didn't listen, Brennen pushed Colby a little before punching him straight in the stomach.

"STOP PLEASE!" I screamed trying to push Brennen away.

Brennen pushed me aggressively hard to the floor, which made me land funny on my wrist. I instantly knew my wrist was either broken, or fractured. Colby flew back to his stance and punched back at Brennen in the stomach and then straight in the jaw. Brennens nose was bleeding and Colby's knuckles were purple and red. My wrist in excruciating pain I got up and tried once more to push them apart.

"You little bastard! You think you can just touch other guys girls?" Colby yelled punching him once more in the nose.

"Why not she's like a prey, I'm the predator. You were leaving her wanted and helpless." Brennen smirked then laughed.

"PLEASE STOP!" I yelled again.

Colby looked at me and saw me holding my purple wrist, his eyes went from black to his soft blue. He tried to reach for me, but again Brennen once again pushed me and punched Colby in the nose immediately causing a nose bleed. I knew no one was going to do anything so I took it in my own hands. Carefully getting up I went to Brennen and kneeded him straight in the man hood. He immediately fell to the floor and I grabbed Colby's hand pulling him away.

"I swear to go if you try to come near me or Colby again I'm filling a restraining order on your a*s!" I yelled before kicking straight in the stomach.

As I walked away with Colby the rest of the gang was running towards us. Sam immediately went to Colby as Kat went to me. The first thing she saw was my wrist, she lightly touched it which made it hurt so much more.

"Guys Y/n's wrist is broken we need to get her to the hospital." Kat said sounding a little scared.

Colby immediately ran over to me, I'll be honest he did no look good at all. His face had blood all over it, his knuckles were bloody and red. I can already tell his stomach and face was beginning to bruise up. He pulled me towards him, he carefully grabbed my wrist which again struck the excruciating pain again.

"Baby I'm so sorry." He said cradling my wrist.

"It's not your fault Cole." I said a little mad.

Now your probably thinking why am I mad him for protecting me, well here's why, as we know Colby is the type to defend anyone, physically or verbally. He tends to do it verbally, but this time it went physically. He did protect me which is why I love him, but he put not only himself but his career on the chopping block.

As well began walking to the car Kat made sure my wrist was being supported no matter what. After arriving at the hospital, they took me and  Colby back to get help and medical attention. I of course got a cast as for Colby got stitches and bandaged up. Sam was talking to Colby as I walked out in my black cast. Colby slightly jogged over to me.

"Princess, I'm so sorry you got hurt. I'm sorry I got into that fight. I know your mad at me but please forgive me, I only did it because he can't just treat a girl like that, especially if that girl is you. I love you too much for you to get hurt." He said.

I knew he cared because his eyes we're glossy, he never cries. I walked up to him and gave him a kiss then hugged him.

"I forgive you, but if you try to put yourself in danger again I'm going to drop kick you to the floor you dumba*s." I said laughing.

He started laughing too, he kisses me once more as we walked out of the hospital and begin the rode of recovery. But that wasn't going to be the last time we were in the hospital or seeing Brennen.

A/n- Now that's and ending! This literally took me three days to finish cause I'm a lazy bish. Anyways I'm tired and probably going to fall asleep... But lerv yer guys! ❤️

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