Meeting your parents (gone wrong)

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Today Colby is going to meet my parents. He's kinda of nervous but I would to. See my dad is a body builder which means he's big. My mom is the opposite she sweet and kind and always wanted the best for me.
I was finishing up my last bit of make-up when Colby walked in. His posture his outfit just made my jaw drop to the floor.
Y/n- Damn baby! I said laughing
Colby- Shut up I'm trying my best here. But I mean look at you! Damn baby girl your hot. He said smirking
Y/n- Don't get ideas over there. I said strictly
Colby- Don't worry.... Already did. He said laughing.
      We finally got in the car and started to head over to my parents house. I started to get nervous and thinking what if they actually don't like Colby but then calm down and knew they would love him.
      We finally got to my childhood home and saw my mom standing outside.
Y/n- Mom! I said
Y/m/n- Hi darling! She said back
Y/m/n- Look at you! Your so grown up! She said almost crying.
Y/n- Thank you mom! Oh! I said
Colby walked up grabbing my hand.
Y/n- This is the man I've always talked about! I said happily
Colby- Hi I'm Cole Brock but all my friends call me Colby but you can call me whatever you want cause I don't want to seem like a rude person and-
I grabbed his hand letting him know to shut up.
Y/m/n- Alright Colby let's get inside you two.
We walked in Colby holding my waist. I looked for my dad and as usual he was sitting on the couch with a beer.
Y/m/n-  Honey they are here. She said
He only nodded and continued to watch TV.
Y/m/n- Sweetie Baby why don't you show Colby your old room? She asked.
Y/n- Of course! Come on babe. I said
We started walking into the room when Colby shut the door and sat on the bed with his head down.
Y/n- Baby what's wrong? I asked.
Colby- What if I already made a bad impression? He asked.
Y/n- Baby my mom already loves you. I can already tell. Your doing amazing and I'm so proud of you! I said
Colby nodded and smiled.
Y/m/n- Love doves dinner is ready! She yelled
We got up hand in hand and walked to the dinning room. We sat next to each other when my mom and father sat next to each other. We started to eat when my father spoke.
Y/d/n- So kid-
Y/n- Colby. I said
Y/d/n- Y/n you don't intrupt me. Anyways, Colby what do you do for a living. He asked
Colby- I do Y-Youtube. I make videos of my life. He said
Y/d/n- So you make videos of yourself for teens to watch? He asked
Colby- Well yeah, it's more for entertainment. But me and my friend want to spread a positive message across. And we have saved thousands of live since we started. He said proudly.
Y/n- He saved mine. You smiled
Y/d/n- You have no side job. Like an actual job?
Y/n- Father that's enough! I said
Y/d/n- I'm being honest! He won't go far! He yelled
Y/n- Father that's enough! Now please let us eat! I yelled
Y/n- IT IS A JOB! Mother the food was delicious or the part we ate. But we'll talk soon. Father I never EVER want to see nor hear from you ever again. I said.
I grabbed Colby's hand and stormed out of the house. I stayed silent and so did Colby. When we got home I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower and take off my makeup. When I was done Colby was in bed with his head down.
Y/n- Baby. I know what happened at my home didn't go as plan. But please don't take it on yourself you did nothing wrong. I said
Colby- He's right.. You should marry someone who has an actual job and can support you. He said.
Y/n- Cole Robert Brock! My father will not take the last thing that make me happy. He has taken everything from me. I can't lose you. I said
Colby- I'm sorry he got into my head come here. He said.
I walked over to Colby and layed next to him putting my head on his chest and he placed his hands on my shoulders rubbing up and down. I soon fell asleep to his soothing heart beat.
Colby- Nothing will take you away from me. I love you way to much to lose you. He said
A/n- Hey guys I know I said I would post yesterday but my WiFi was down and wouldn't let me post and I just got it fixed tonight and was able to post. Love you all!!

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