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Today was the last day I will probably ever see Colby. Him and Sam are moving to LA and since I'm not financial there I need to stay behind. Me and Colby have been best friends for over 17 years but we've been dating for 3 and it's sad that we need to say goodbye. You would think oh you can do long distance but it just won't work out he'll be to busy different time zones it just won't work. I'm going to miss him more than anything.
      I slowly arrived at the airport with Sam an Colby. Me and Colby had our hands intertwined and we walked in. We arrive at the security booth were I would say my goodbye. I couldn't do it I just can't say goodbye to a three year relationship it's not worth it for me. Colby turned around I saw his eyes we're red an puffy but so we're mine. I hugged him taking in the moment that I'll love forever.
Colby- Baby... Please come I won't live without you! He said crying
Y/n- Babe you know if I could I would I just don't have the money. I want you to go out and pursue your dreams like you always tell me I'll be here supporting you! I said crying
Colby- Babe I love you never forget that I love you more than anything! He said
Y/n-I love you too baby! I said
Sam- Hey guys I'm really sorry to say this but Colby our flight leaves in ten minutes. He said
Colby- Okay I'll be there go without me. He said
Colby grabbed me by the waist pulling me into one last hug. I grabbed onto his jacket breathing in his muscular smell. I will miss this blue eyed baby so much.
Y/n- I love you.. I said crying
Colby- I love you too baby girl! He said crying
He let go of the hug giving me one last kiss. He held my hand.
Colby- Baby remember I'll always love you! I love you no matter what happens. You are beautiful sweet kind smart and everything even if I'm not here and I'm 2,000 miles away I'll always be by your side through thick and thin. He said crying.
Y/n- I love you baby! And I'll be here supporting your YouTube I'll be your biggest fan no matter what and I love you so much! I said crying too.
Announcer- Flight 230 to Los Angeles will be leaving in 5 minutes.
Colby hugged me and kissed me he held my hand one last time and slowly let go waking behind the wall were I lost the love of my life. I spent the day crying and sleeping. That's all I did for a whole month till the day I woke up from a nap were I got a notification that Colby posted.
Notification- Colby Brock posted a new video "Meet my new girlfriend (not click bait)"
My heart fell. Did he really move on that fast? I grabbed my phone and got onto Colby's contact I texted him one last time.
Y/n- Goodbye..
Colby Brock- Typing..
I blocked his number and unfollowed him on everything. I didn't want things to end like this but what did I expect a guy like him will attract every girl I should have seen it coming. But all I could say right now is.. Goodbye.
A/n- This is sad but I'm not in the happiest mood right now. For my school we have a school dance for the graduated students and well I asked my crush to the dance cause all my friends and some of his friends thought be liked me by his behavior and it just seemed like it well I asked him today and got rejected. And let me tell you something being rejected and being called not cute is a like a knife stabbed into your heart. Anyways I hope your guys day is great and good! Love you all! 💞💞
P. S- Not edited

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