First kiss

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I was walking down the Hall to Colby's apartment. We're best friends but I like him.... A lot. I always had feelings for him and I've always tried to tell him but never had the nerve too. Tonight me and Colby are just hanging out, this never happens!
    I reached the door took a deep breath and knocked.
Colby- Hi! He said
Y/n- Hi! I smiled
He lightly grabbed my wrist an brought me in.
Colby- So how's it going? He asked
Y/n- G-good! I said
Damn it! I always studder around him.
Colby- Are you okay? Want something to drink? He asked
Y/n- I'm okay! I said
He nodded an we sat down on the couch. We started talking about life and talked about memories when we were little.
Colby- Remember when we were five and I kissed you on the lips an asked you to marry me, and you always said you were Mrs. Brock! He said laughing
I nodded and did a fake smile. He then placed his hand on my thigh giving me a sympathy look.
Colby- Are you okay bubs? He asked
I bit the inside of my lip and then something came over me.
Y/n- I need to tell you something! I said
Colby- Your scaring me but continue? He said
Y/n- Colby I don't know if this will ruin our friend ship or anything but... I like you scratch that I'm in love with you. I said
Colby- Bubs... I. He stopped talking
Y/n- I get it. I'm not your girl type it's okay. I'm just gonna go. I- I'll talk to you later? I said
As I started walking towards the door I was pulled back into Colby's arms and instantly lips collided with mine. The fact that his soft lips were on mine moving in sync made me crazy. He slowly pulled away looking me in the eyes.
Colby- Believe or not I'm in love with you too! He said
I pulled him back into a kiss more aggressive then the last one. He then pulled away.
Colby- Before we continue.. I want you to be mine? He said
Y/n- I've always been yours remember I'm Mrs. Brock. I said
Colby- Damn right you are! He said
He then brought me into another kiss were it lead to you know ;)!
A/n- Ta da! I hope you liked this one! Also thanks for over 30k reads! Y'all are amazing and spectacular! Hope everyone had a good day and a good Fourth Of July!

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