~Kidnapping Prank~

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A/n- This will have serious topics in this! Read at your own choice! Enjoy! :)

Colby Pov-

"Hey everybody! Welcome back to my channel! Today we are going to be pranking my girlfriend Y/n by kidnapping her." I said laughing.

"So she's actually out with Kat and devyn getting clothes cause apparently she doesn't have enough. I'm going to have Sam come over here and help me make this seem believable. She'll be home in about two hours I think she said seven and it's 5:30 so we'll see." I said smiling at the camera.

After about and hour or so she started to call me and I immediately turned the camera on.

"She's calling me!" I said like a five year old kid in a candy store.

"Hey babe!" Y/n chirped through the phone.

"Hey babe, what you doing?" I asked.

"Getting ready to come home, you?" She asked.

"Getting ready to leave, I'm going to head to Brennens to help film." I said smirking at the camera.

If she were a true friend of Brennens she would know he's out of state right now as we spoke.

"Awe okay I was hoping we could cuddle but it's fine. I love you and I'll see you later." She said whining a bit.

I did a frown at the camera, my heart exploded a little when she said that I'll admit it.

"I'm sorry babes I love you too see you in a bit." I said ending the call.

"Okay well she's on her way I need to leave and get out NOW." I said grabbing the mask and a black hoodie.

"I'm walking over to Sam's, we'll wait a good thirty minutes then we'll break in and Sam will hold her down. Then I'm going to use a FAKE gun and point it at her and freak her out. I'm sorry babe." I said turning the camera off and walking to Sam's apartment.

Y/n Pov-

I unlocked the apartment seeing everything still on, typical Colby. I placed all the bags on the counter and walked to the bathroom, I heard a little tap but I ignore it. I began taking my makeup off when I heard the door open.

"Hey babe, you home already?" I asked.

I walked into the room and changed, I put shorts and Colby's hoodie on.

"Baby? Is that you?" I asked putting the old clothes in the hamper.

"Colby?" I yelled.

I walked out and saw two tall slim guys all in black an in masks. They stood there staring at the door, I ran into the bedroom but the shorter guy grabbed my pulling me down. I started screaming but was muffled by there hand. The taller guy pointed a gun at me and at that moment I knew this was the end.

"Please wait, before you do anything can I call my boyfriend. I just want to say goodbye." I said crying.

The guys looked at each other and the guy holding me down let go releasing me from his grip. The guy holding the gun came up to me holding my phone. I dialed Colby's number and pressed the green call button. It rang and it came from the guy holding the gun. He dropped it and took his mask off showing me it was Colby. I hanged up and dropped my phone walking into the bedroom. I locked the door and sat on the bed crying. I actually thought I was going to die and lose Colby and everyone.

"Baby girl! Open the door please?" He said sadly.

I felt bad so I opened the door and he came running in hugging me. He kissed my head and Sam walked in holding the camera.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't think you would take it likes this." He said hugging me tight.

"It's okay babe." I said smiling at him.

"I'm sorry also!" Sam yelled behind the camera.

"It's okay Samuel!" I said laughing.

"Your both are dead though!" I said laughing again.

A/n- Hey everybody so my school got cancelled for three weeks and possibly more because of the coronavirus. I still have to do school idk how but hey I'll spend all the time making stories cause I love you all! I hope you all are safe and don't get sick. I'm also not sick anymore so don't worry. BE SAFE AND WASH YOUR HANDS I LERV YER ALL! ❤️

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